"“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried.” "

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 12th March 2009

""We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system."

Timothy Geithner US Secretary of the Treasury, previously President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1/3/2009

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Olmert gives go-ahead for illegal Wall

The Israeli "democratic" elections took place 5 weeks ago. The "democratic" process now starts as the elected representatives go into locked rooms and horse trade endlessly until some sort of spatchcock agreement can be made that let's everyone gat a snout in the pork barrel. This is called democracy.

Representatives from Kadima and Labor met on Thursday night at Kfar Hamaccabiah to sign the coalition agreement between them, which details both the government's platform and the appointments that Labor is to receive.

According to the agreement hammered (ie the Pork in the barrel allocated) out between Kadima and Labor, the government will work "to shape the permanent borders of the state as a Jewish state with a democratic majority." What the civilised world call Apartheid. The agreement explicitly states that "the territory of the Israeli settlement in Judea and Samaria" will be "reduced." (Pic bumper sticker reads "Settlers the real security wall") If anybody thinks the settlers are going to leave the West Bank they must be deranged.

Furthermore, the government will work to shape the borders "through negotiation and agreement with the Palestinians on the basis of mutual recognition, previously-signed agreements, the principles outlined in the road map, an end to violence and the disarmament of the terror organizations." These principles are a repetition of the demands made by Israel and the international community on the Hamas government in the Palestinian Authority who also have a strong belief in the Tooth Fairy.

Meanwhile Interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert decided on the same day to build temporary sections of the Jerusalem Envelope security fence without obtaining the "required permission."

Olmert rejected criticism from Peace Now director Yariv Oppenheimer who called the decision "an attempt to by pass the High Court." , claiming that the temporary fence was legal. "Instead of praising the solution which has prevented terror attacks they have found reasons to complain," said spokesman for the Interim Prime MInister.The Israeli Government view has always been that the fence is designed to acheive security rather than demarcate a political border." Now they say it will form the "permanent" i.e political borders - wihtout negotiation , discussin, agreement or arbitration. Another example of "democracy" Israeli style.

The IDF Security Fence is an operational concept conceived by the Israeli Defense Establishment in order to reduce the number of terrorist attacks whether in the form of explosive- rigged vehicles or in the form of suicide bombers who enter into Israel with the intention of murdering innocent babies, children, women and men.

Legal challenges in Israel resulted in temporary injunctions against building the barrier in several parts of Jerusalem. Israel's Supreme Court recently dismissed the injunctions against building, though the justices have yet to issue final rulings in the cases, according to Marc Luria, a founder of the Security Fence for Israel, a private group.

The court could still rule against the state's proposed route, which would require the barrier to be moved. Olmert maintains that some sort of obstacle should be put in place as soon as possible.

Olmert has ordered "all gaps be closed immediately by means of temporary fences until they are permanently closed by the security fence," according to the Interim Prime Minister's office.

The International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled in 2004 that building the fence inside the West Bank, where most of it is being erected, is a violation of international law. Naturally Israel rejected the decision, saying the barrier is necessary to prevent suicide bombings and other attacks.

According to a status report from the IDF about the Security Fence dated 12/01/2006

300 km have been completed and are operational.
143 km are under construction.
58 km are about to enter construction phase.

Much of the Route s under legal review:

* 26 km awaiting ruling by the High Court of Justice. (In June 2004 the Court ruled that a 30-km section of barrier northwest of Jerusalem imposed undue hardship on Palestinians and must be rerouted.)
* 76 km in legal procedures resulting from appeals presented by land owners.
* 7 km in Jerusalem are under consideration of the Appeal Committee adjunct to the District Court in Tel Aviv.
* 124 km awaiting approval by the Ministry of Justice.

...unless of course the Interim Prime Minister overrules the courts and says build it. Remeber the wall cuts deep into Palestinian lands, 115,000 Palestinian olive trees have been oprooted and most stolen, 37 wells that provide 4 million cubic meters of water have been stolen. 25% of Palestinian territory has been stolen. The Wall planned by Sharon will annex the most fertile and rich land, leaving the Palestinians with only 40% of their agricultural land. Security ?

Jericho Jailbird inoccent of murdering Raheem Zeevi OFFICIAL

Israel's Justice Ministry on Thursday said the Palestinian militant, Ahmed Saadat, who was seized last month in a raid on the Palestinian jail in Jericho, would not be put on trial for the 2001 killing of Israeli cabinet minister Raheem Zeevi shot in a Jerusalem hotel.

Saadat will, be charged in a military court with security offenses, the Ministry said. Attorney General Manachem Mazuz found the inquiry did not produce enough evidence to put Mr. Saadat on trial for the murder of Rehavam Zeevi. More

Jack Straw will be well pleased that we failed to maintain the agreement to protect Saadat , HMG solemnly undertook.


Temporary section = Permanent section

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