"“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried.” "

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 12th March 2009

""We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system."

Timothy Geithner US Secretary of the Treasury, previously President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1/3/2009

Thursday, April 28, 2005

New Labour ---- News headlines !!!!

Go to New labour Official Election News page
Top of the news - indeed the ONLY news story about the election at 5.30pm today when the Press is screaming about the Attorney General's advice to the Cabinet (which they only saw this morning 2 years later) about the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Well, rest assured Mr Cambell and his colleagues know what we want, the only item on the News page dated today......

Ross Kemp: I know Blair cares - he'll get my vote
Thursday 28 April 2005
Actor Ross Kemp writes in the Mirror as to why he's voting Labour on May 5th.

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