Thursday, October 09, 2008
Kaupthing - The Bank that liked to say YES and Mr Putin stirs up the mix with NATO and Japan
Iceland's government has seized control of Kaupthing Bank hf, the nation's biggest bank, which makes a royal flush for them of septic banks as the Icelandic banking industry has finally ( and predictably) collapsed under the massive weight of foreign debt.
Iceland is guaranteeing Kaupthing's domestic deposits and taking control of banks in an attempt to provide a ``functioning domestic banking system,'' the country's Financial Supervisory Authority said in a statement on its Web site this aftrenoon....
"Kaupthing Bank has now requested that the Icelandic Financial Supervisory
Authority, in accordance with the provisions of the new Act no. 125/2008, which
was passed into law because of the unusual circumstances in the financial
market, assume the power of Kaupthing Bank shareholders' meeting. Furthermore,
the entire board of directors of the bank has resigned. "
The banks are unable to finance about US $61 billion of debt, 12 times the size of the economy, - Pop approx 300K. The collapses have affected 420,000 British and Dutch customers, and frozen assets held by universities, hospitals, councils and even London's police force. The government is seeking a loan from Russia and may ask for aid from the International Monetary Fund to help guarantee deposits.
Trading in the krona ground to a halt today after the central bank yesterday ditched an attempt to fix the exchange rate at 131 krona to the euro. Nordea Bank AB, the biggest Scandinavian lender, said the krona hadn't been traded on the spot market today, while the last quoted price was 340 per euro, compared with 122 a month ago.
Banking Boom
Assets at Iceland's three biggest banks, Glitnir Bank hf, Landsbanki Island hf and Kaupthing, had grown five-fold since 2004 as the companies expanded massively . Most of that expansion was debt financed.
The cost of borrowing in dollars for three months in London soared to the highest level this year today as coordinated interest-rate reductions worldwide failed to revive lending among banks for any longer than a day, partly on concern over who holds Icelandic debt.
U.K. taxpayers will probably face a bill of at least £2.4 Bn. (US$4.1 billion) to compensate about 300,000 U.K. holders of accounts at Icesave, a unit of Landsbanki says the Financial Times .
All Iceand equity markets remain closed until (at least) Oct. 13.
Kaupthing's entire board of directors has resigned and the FSA has appointed a committee to wind up the lender's business, the bank said in a statement today.
The debts of the Icelandic banking system are too big for the government to repay.
The Icelandic population cannot assume responsibility for the private debt that the banks have built up yet it appears that Debt Rating Agencie were providing AA ratings for the banks
Kaupthing has 5 billion euros of debt obligations maturing, Glitnir's debt obligations over the same period are about 4 billion euros and Landsbanki has about 2 billion euros to finance.
Russia move to save NATO member state
Iceland has commenced talks with Russia on Tuesday to secure a loan of as much as 4 billion euros (U$5.48 billion), Prime Minister Geir Haarde said late yesterday. He added that loans from the IMF and Russia ``are not mutually exclusive,'' though the government hadn't, ``at this point at least,'' asked the IMF for a standby loan or an economic program.
See Sunday, October 08, 2006 Iceland - Russians pay a visit - unannounced - two Russian bombers flew through Icelandic airspace last Friday 30th September 2006(the day the last US forces left).
US pulls Defence Forces out of IcelandIn - a little noticed move, Geir Haarde the Icelandic Foreign Minister told the Althingi (the Icelandic Parliament), on March 16th 2006 that president Bush had made the final decision to end the permanent deployment of US forces in Iceland based on the recommendation of the US secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld. (See Wednesday, April 05, 2006 Arctic warms ? Iceland market cools down ?
It is expected that all forces will be withdrawn from the Keflavik base by September 2006.Icelandic employees (approx 600) have been informed that they would all be dismissed by October 1st.
In a related news story yesterday ...
Japan scrambled fighter planes on Wednesday intercepting Russian bombers on a "training exercise" over the Sea of Japan.
"Four Japanese air force F-15 fighters escorted the strategic aviation crews as they flew over the Sea of Japan," Lieutenant-Colonel Vladimir Drik was quoted as saying by the Interfax and RIA Novosti news agencies.
Two Russian Su-27 fighter jets were also sent up to join the bombers after the Japanese intercept to ensure that the Russian Tu-22 bombers, known in NATO parlance as "Backfire" bombers, completed their mission as planned, he said.
The Russian bombers were sent on the patrol as part of Russia's "Stability 2008" military manoeuvres in the region, the reports quoted Drik as saying.
Mr Robert Tchenguiz
It is with very deep regret that Lord Patel notes that Mr Tchenguiz sold his 10% stake (168 Mn) in Sainsbury's, at 250p a share (bought at 520-590p per share)through Kaupthing, the troubled Icelandic bank. This follows the forced sale of the Tgenguiz 25 % stake in Mitchells & Butlers, the pub group, for £137m to the British billionaire Joe Lewis (Who lost US$800 Mn on Bear Stearns) on Tuesday. Aaron Brown and Tim Smalley who are mouthpieces for Mr T have left the board.
Mr Tchenguiz seems is ready to sell his 22 % stake in SCi Entertainment, the listed holding company of Eidos, the publisher of the Lara Croft Tomb Raider computer games. Aaron Brown, the mouth piece for Mr Tchenguiz at his investment vehicle R20, stepped down from SCi Entertainment's board yesterday.
Shares in SCi Entertainment fell by 15.6%.
Michael Todd's murder refuses to be cleared up.
An unopened bottle of champagne had been discarded or dropped and was found in the snow.
10/09/2008 02:50:00 pm
Labels: unasked questions
Of Stilton Cheese and Conkering Kings......
Lord Patel has played a small part in the history of Stilton Cheese manufacture.
10/09/2008 02:22:00 pm
Labels: Big cheese
World Post Day - How Mr Lukashenko controls distribution of the press in Byelorussia
Not a great one for formal celebrations but it is worth noting that the Universal Postal Union was formed on October 9th, 1874 in Berne , Switzerland, and philatelists celebrate today as World Post Day.
Today the UPU, with 189 member countries, oversees the co-ordination of the global postal service, the world's largest physical distribution network.
Despite the web and satellite based telephony Postal services in all countries provide a primary means of communication for people, organisations and business. The goal is to ensure a universal postal service that is easily accessible, efficient and affordable.... and one would like to think doesn't involve the state snooping on it's content.
The pic shows blonde and beautiful Byelorussian lady dancers performing at World Post Day celebrations organized by Belpochta, the Belarus Postal Service.
On the 28th November 2006 , Reporters Without Borders expressed their condemnation of the removal of many independent newspapers from the list of publications to be distributed next year by the Belarusian state postal service, Belpochta, which has a monopoly of subscription press delivery and believes it can pick and choose what it delivers.
The delivery ban will hit four national newspapers - Narodnaya Volya, Nasha Niva, Tovarich, Svobodnie Novosti Plus - and many regional ones, including Brestski Kurier, Vitebski Kurier, Borisovskie Novosti, Gazeta Slonimskaya, Intex-press, Lyahavitski Chas, Volnaye Hlybokaue, Hantsavitski Chas & Miastsovi Chas.
“This is yet another bid by the Belarusian government to silence the independent press by depriving it of its means of existence,” Reporters Without Borders said. “As shown by the case of the newspaper Solidarnost, which stopped publishing at the end of 2005, severance of the postal delivery contract is often the prelude to closure.”
The distribution system dates back to the Soviet era. Two state companies have monopolies. Belsouzpechat delivers newspapers to news stands, while Belpochta delivers them to subscribers. The state’s control of these companies means the pro-government press gets preferential treatment while distribution of critical media can be blocked altogether
...........An independent Byelorussian state was pronounced in March 1918 by an administration in Minsk known as Rada, but it existed only for nine months until the establishment of the Byelorussian Soviet Republic.
The military administration of Rada, known as BNR (Byelorussian National Republic) lasted for several decades.
The short-lived Rada government in Minsk issued three stamps in 1918 - this ( 2 Kopeks) is one of them.
10/09/2008 01:57:00 pm
Labels: postal history
Monday, October 06, 2008
Boeing shares slide as deliveries fall
Boeing are trading US$49.76 down US$4.07 (7.56%)
During the third quarter, Boeing delivered only 84 planes, down from 109 in the year-ago quarter. The strike is affecting assembly of Boeing's new 787 Dreamliner — already a year behind schedule — along with 737s, 777s, 767s, and 747s.
Delta Air Lines (DAL), the USA's No. 3 carrier, was expecting this fall to receive four long-range Boeing 777s and 737-700s, for a total of 10 new jets this year. "All I can tell you is we are expecting some delay in our deliveries," Delta spokeswoman Betsy Talton said.
Last week, Ryanair canceled flights on 21 routes to and from Birmingham,UK, scheduled for this month because deliveries of Boeing 737s have been delayed.
Palin uncovers Obama's ghosts in Chicago - this could get dirty.
Which is all pretty old news - except to the MSM - who have been quietly and conveniently hiding it for a long, long time.
Meanwhile here is a picture of Michelle Obama with her friend Ex Weatherwoman and Sidley Austin Partner Bernardine Dohrn at a political rally.see Monday, April 28, 2008 Obama. Ayers Rocks. Bernardine (on the right) is the wife of Weatherman ("You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows," from the Bob Dylan song Subterranean Homesick Blues. ) Bill Ayers and mother of his 2 children.
Meanwhile here is a picture of Michelle Obama with her friend Ex Weatherwoman and Sidley Austin Partner Bernardine Dohrn at a political rally.see Monday, April 28, 2008 Obama. Ayers Rocks. Bernardine (on the right) is the wife of Weatherman ("You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows," from the Bob Dylan song Subterranean Homesick Blues. ) Bill Ayers and mother of his 2 children.
She went to prison on various charges - Dohrn and Ayers became legal guardians of the son of former members of the Weather Underground, Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, after they were convicted of murder of a security guard and 2 police officers during a 1981 Brinks armoured car robbery.The Weathermen bombed the Pentagon, the US Capitol, the New York Police Benevolent Association, the New York Board of Corrections, as well as the offices of multinational companies. Boudin, along with Cathy Wilkerson, was a survivor of the 1970 Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, the premature detonation of a bomb that had been intended for a soldiers' dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey.
Boudin was 27 at the time. Both women were awaiting trial, out on bond for their alleged actions in Days of Rage in Chicago several months earlier. Wilkerson had been released on a $20,000 bond and Boudin was out on a $40,000 bond.
Kathy Boudin’s father had connections directly to Fidel Castro: Leonard Boudin was Castro’s lawyer.
For more see Monday, April 28, 2008 Obama. Ayers Rocks. For more about the NYT story see Steve Diamond who they interviwed for the stroy but quoted selectively ...Obama/Ayers Update: New York Times Ignores Evidence of Ayers’ Role in Annenberg Board Selection see also Why is Obama Hiding the Truth About William Ayers? Follow the Money Larry Johnson April 6th 2008
Hanks Dilemma - How to get a Goodeal for both Uncle Sam and the cousins on Wall Street
Therefore the lengthy , tangled Byzantine passage of Hank the Bank's stark 3 page proposal to shell out US$700Bn of the US taxpayers funds to shore up the bankers of Wall Street and beyond may look like a slo-mo car crash.
All the winking lights on this Christmas tree each carry the hopes and dreams of soon to be elected pols in both Houses and the last gasp of a despairing Administration.Now is not the time or place to untangle the skeins of Pork and plunder. Let's look at Hank's Dilemma.
OK - it is now US$800Bn Bill with the FDIC need for extra funds etc., but the original blackmail note from Hank and Ben stands.
So let's see how that US$700 BN will ;
1 : shelve the so called "toxic" debts
2 : Impact on the sellering banks as they re - jiggle their shaky balance sheets
ASSUME :US Treasury buys $1 trillion of mortgages at face value for 80 cents on the Dollar (which is probably what they are carrying them at) from the 8 key domestic players (The Group of 8) who we limit for this exercise to Bank of America (BAC), Citigroup (C), Goldman Sachs (GS), JPMorgan (JPM), Merrill Lynch (MER), Morgan Stanley (MS), (PNC) and US Bancorp (USB) (The aggregate shareholders’ equity of these 8 Banks is US$590 billion(ish)) at say 80 cents on the Dollar;
The Banks have to write off nothing.
But .... but .... for every one cent of new write downs on the $1 trillion portfolio these eight firms will be writing off 1.7% of their share capital.
If Hank has to pay “pay market price” for these assets, which is well below the current carrying values - which he has to, to build in a pay back for Uncle Sam and the taxpayer - the Banks will see thei capital flow away along with their capacity to lend.
Say Hank holds out for 60 cents on the Dollar - that means that the Group of 8 would wipe out 34%, or US$200 billion, of their collective share capital in the next few days/weeks/months.
So that means they have to raise more capital, dilute their shares and further upset the market.
Even if this is an overestimate the Group of 8 alone needs to line up another $50 billion of new equity after being "bailed out" - ten times what warren Buffet handed over on the basis of a 10% fixed coupon with 100% warranty.
Hank and Ben (don't expect to hear much more from Ben the bit player in this farrago from now on ) have a Dilemma. Hank's Dillemma - like squaring the circle...
The lower price for this ordure that he pays on behalf of taxpayers the worse the pain will be for banks offloading it.
The lying bankers, who so carefully prepared their gossamer thin balance sheets can hear the beating of the wings of their chickens coming home to roost.
Eli Lilly swallows anti- colon cancer drug Erbitux and ImClone
ImClone's mystery suitor and now owner is Eli Lilly (LLY) . Their US$6.1Bn bid should have put the lid on Bristol Myer's (BMY) repeated attempts at a hostile takeover.
This deal values ImClone at US$70/share, a 51% premium over ImClone's closing price before Bristol made its first $60/share bid, and a 7% premium over Friday's closing price of $64.96.
Imclone have had a rocky ride , investors have seen shares fall as low as $6 and rise as high as $87 - and deals in them led to the jailing of founder Samuel Waksal and style guru / part time cook Martha Stewart tasting poridge in unfamiliar circumstances.
Carl Icahn, the billionaire investor and chairman of ImClone's board, who got control in 2006 will no doubt be pleased with the result and returns on his investment (14%) and has approved Lilly's offer for his shares.
Lilly is seeing big competition to their biggest drugs, including schizophrenia blockbuster Zyprexa and some observers see this is a move from weakness. As a cash deal it is going to drain the company's cash position.
Lilly say they will take a one-time charge (how big no one is saying or maybe knows) to its earnings. The company expects the transaction to be accretive to earnings on a cash basis in 2012 and on a net basis in 2013.
Lilly's ,aim anti-cancer drug, Gemzar®, loses patent protection in 2012 , it is commonly used to treat non-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic, bladder and breast cancer. .
Erbitux®, which is approved to treat colon cancer and head and neck cancer and whose cancer has spread to other parts of the body and whose tumor expresses a protein called an Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR). , is ImClone's only marketed product, and generated $1.3 billion in sales last year.
The fate of ERBITUX® remains unclear as both Bristol and ImClone claim the rights - it is assumed the position must have been clarified.
10/06/2008 02:43:00 pm
Labels: colon cancer, Lilly
Britannia will rule the waves - the follies of Empire Pt. 3,456
The Stock Market may tumble, the currency may crumble, but it looks like we are starting to spend serious moolah on the 2 seriusly useless aircraft carriers the Navy wants.
Orders / contracts placed worth £235 million,are announced today for gas turbines, generators, motors, power distribution equipment, platform management systems, propellers, shafts, steering gear, rudders and stabilisers.
1. Thales UK, together with BVT, Babcock Marine, BAE Systems and MOD, have formed the catchy titled Aircraft Carrier Alliance (ACA) to manufacture and assemble the new carriers. Thales UK has responsibility for leading the power and propulsion element of CVF. The company is responsible for procurement, systems design, overall systems integration, ship integration (with shipyards), programme management and safety analysis. Thales has reached a sub-alliance agreement with Rolls-Royce, Converteam and L-3 Communications
2. Rolls Royce (Bristol, Dalgety Bay and Portsmouth):
* MT30 36 MegaWatt Gas Turbine Alternator sets
* Total package integration of the propulsion plant
* Shaft lines and propellers
* Steering gear including rudders
* Stabilisers to keep the ship level and enhance operation of weapons systems
* Low voltage electrical distribution system.
Converteam (Rugby and Glasgow):
* High voltage equipment
* Electric power control and monitoring system
* Propulsion equipment
* High voltage system and electric propulsion system analysis.
L3 Communications (Bristol and Barrow):
* Integrated Platform Management System (provides automation needed to control and monitor the power and propulsion systems)
* Condition Monitoring System.
3. A contract for emergency Diesel Generators has previously been awarded to Wartsila Lips Defence, which will provide a dedicated power supply to retain a fire fighting capability, even in the unlikely event of a total loss of electrical power.
Ina novel arrangement ,each carrier will have two propellers powered by two electric motors which will make them the largest warships in the world to use electric rather than mechanical drive technology.
This physical arrangment allows the primary power untis - gas turbine driven generators that power them to be located high in the ship which provides greater space in the hull and providws greater resilience to battle damage.
The pic shows some aircraft using the decks - what they will be and where they will come from is a decision not yet finalised. More pics here
PS: Dear Worried of Wolverhampton : Just think of the 2 CVF's and the aircraft they may eventually field ,as say, 20% of the cost of nationalising the Bradford and Bungle.