"“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried.” "

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 12th March 2009

""We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system."

Timothy Geithner US Secretary of the Treasury, previously President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1/3/2009

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Electoral Commission throw money away - training NU Labour dumb clucks like Lordy Lord Triesman

UK Political Party workers are so dumb that the Electoral Commission gave the parties a total of £700,000 to help officials (he grant given was proportionate to the number of votes they got in the 1997 general election and the 1999 European elections) understand the new rules governing party funding and donations.

Labour was paid £165,000 in 2001 and £18,000 a year later, according to the Electoral Commission's accounts.

Shortly after Nu Labour (under Gen. Sec David (now Lordy Lord) Triesman started accepting secret donations from David Abrahams.,,, and continued to do so until a few weeks ago.

Would it be unreasonable to ask who received the training ? Can they read ? Can they do simple arithmetic ?

PS : Lordy Lord Triesman is of course the parliamentary Under Secretary for Innovation, Universities and Skills.

and is responsible for ...

  • The Student Loans Company (and Customer First programme)
  • The student loan debt sale
  • Endowments and voluntary giving for higher education
  • Quality assurance of Higher Education
  • UK Intellectual Property Office
  • Students as 'customers'
  • Scenario building across DIUS
  • Departmental efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability
  • Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)
  • Better Regulation
Fit for Purpose ?

On November 20thThe Cracking Ideas Award Ceremony saw the successful culmination of the first year of the UK Intellectual Property Office’s educational resource for primary schools: Cracking Ideas. At the prize giving event regional winners and the overall national winner were announced by Lord Triesman, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Intellectual Property and Quality..... Lord Triesman said Cracking Ideas had been a tremendous success and confirmed that the government would agree that it was a Cracking Idea for Nu Labour to observe it's duties and obligations under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.

Pic - Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki, President of the Republic of South Africa is met by Lord Triesman, Parliamentary Secretary and Major Richard Henderson, Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Arran for the G8 Summit at Gleneagles, Scotland

Friday, December 07, 2007

The British Ambassador's Bellydancer

STOP PRESS Sunday Times report and interview Sunday 8yh December ****** see Mail on Sunday 16th December 2007

The British Ambassador's Bellydancer
London, Arcola

In 2004 Craig Murray, then British Ambassador for Uzbekistan, made two life changing decisions: he spoke out against the U.K Government using intelligence gained under torture by states such as Uzbekistan and he left his wife and children for a belly dancer he’d met in a nightclub in Tashkent. The first led to Murray being suspended from service and lauded as a hero by many for his continued fight against human rights abuses and in particular Western moral hypocrisy. The second was used to undermine his credibility by his detractors in the media. This is the extraordinary true story of the life of Craig’s mistress Nadira, dismissed in the British press as a dumb bimbo, she fought tooth and nail to survive in a undemocratic, misogynist regime that practices systematic torture on its citizens. Raped twice, and scraping a living by working as a teacher, drugs runner and belly dancer, Nadira has now completed a foundation course in acting at Rose Bruford and graduated last summer from the Drama Studio. With the help of partner Craig she wishes to tell of her own journey from the slums to the Ambassadorial palace of Uzbekistan and finally a rented flat in Shepherd’s Bush. — Whatsonstage.com

opening Date: Jan. 8, 2008
Closing Date: Feb. 2, 2008

Show Times:
Mon-Sat 8:15pm
27 Arcola Street
London, E8

Ticket Price: £13.00
To book tickets:Go here

The Lord Patel Fund for War Criminals is arranging for a special ticket for the opening night for Jack Straw MP. EX Foreign & Commonwealth Secretary, liar, man with no honour or integrity.

From the Sunday Times *****

"Then, one April night in 2003, Murray walked in. “It was my turn to dance and I could see this man, very English-looking, with a half-smile, looking at me,” she said. “He wasn't sporty-looking or handsome and I wasn’t interested. I just wanted my tip. But the manager said you mustn’t refuse him, he’s the richest man in the place.”

After chatting for a while, Murray suggested that she quit the club and become his mistress. “I told him, ‘You’re not the first to offer’, and I left.” The next time Murray returned to the club, it was Alieva’s day off so he gave another girl £50 for her phone number. Flattered, she agreed to a date. Although she knew Murray was married, they were soon an item. “I’d gone out with diplomats before but Craig was different,” she said. “He’d take me to official dinners and parties and introduce me to people. People were shocked as they knew I was a dancer but he didn’t care.”

Bent coppers - and stolen logos

Do you like the new logo ?

We stole it ... well why think of a bad idea when you can steal a good one.

Where from ?

Prepared by the ProfessionalStandards & Risk Management Committee (PS&RMC) whose chair was ,,,, DAC Hayman.... and is now plain Mr Andy Hayman very much Ex Metropolitan Police and evidently a stranger to their policy of integrity.

Feel free to use it.... maybe Jon Mandelson and the NU Labour send us your illegal donations Committee could use it ?

Performance enhancing drugs used and suspensions follow .. Mitchell report due Thursday

George J Mitchell is mentioned in the last post reporting all those years ago on Israeli settlements .. now he is causing concerns in his report on drug abuse in Baseball ..the report is expected next week.

2 players were suspended yesterday - Jay Gibbons of the Orioles and José Guillén, who played for the Mariners last season and is now with the Royals — they will serve 15-day suspensions at the start of the 2008 season.(Sports Illustrated report)

Neither Gibbons nor Guillén has tested positive for a banned substance. But each was linked, through documentary evidence, to having received human growth hormone and steroids.

Mitchell, who was appointed to conduct his investigation by Commissioner Bud Selig in March 2006, has documentary evidence, but no test results, that ties dozens of players to purchases of drugs from 1995 through 2005.

Mitchell received information from Kirk Radomski, a former Mets clubhouse attendant who pleaded guilty in April to federal charges of steroid distribution.

Between October 2003 and July 2005, Gibbons received six shipments of H.G.H. and two shipments of steroids, SI.com reported in September.

Gibbons said yesterday in a written statement."I am deeply sorry for the mistakes that I have made. I have no excuses and bare sole responsibility for my decisions," the Baltimore outfielder said. "Years ago, I relied on the advice of a doctor, filled a prescription, charged the HGH, (Human Growth Hormone) which is a medication, to my credit card and had only intended to help speed my recovery from my injuries and surgeries."

Michael Weiner, the general counsel for the players union, said Gibbons did not plan to appeal his suspension.

Guillén, according to a report in The San Francisco Chronicle, ordered more than $19,000 worth of H.G.H. and steroids from May 2002 to June 2005. Weiner said Guillén would appeal.

The GOI should freeze all settlement activity, including the "natural growth" of existing settlements - Fuck that says Olmerde and extends Har Homa

sam and Nur points us to the post Annapolis ceaseless expansion of settlements as Israel's housing ministry plans 307 new homes in East Jerusalem.

Tenders have been invited for housing units in Har Homa, (Chomat shmuel - a loose translation is Rampart Mountain) an illegal settlement to the south-east of the city on land captured by Israel in the 1967 war and later annexed and first built on by the Natanyahus Gubment in 1997. East Jerusalem now houses around 200,000 illegal Jewish settlers.

"The battle for Jerusalem has begun," declared Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu days before construction began on the new settlement community of Har Homa in the southeast corner of annexed East Jerusalem. "We are now in the thick of it, and I do not intend to lose."

Fuck the US road map for peace is the GOI attitude and the heirs of Netanyahu ... which leaders from both sides had just agreed at Annapolis would again be the basis of talks.

Oh! but the road map, says Mark Regev )Olmerde's mouthpiece) applies to the West Bank, Jerusalem is different. Jerusalem is our capital. It is Israeli sovereign territory."

However, Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, doesn't agree and has pointlessly protested, in writing, to the Quartet. State Department Deputy Spokesman Tom Casey said on Wednesday that he could not respond to the specific case of Israeli housing construction in Har Homa, but he reiterated that Washington expects both Israel and the Palestinians to fulfill their road map obligations.

The U.S. Embassy in Israel here could not give a definitive answer on whether it considers Har Homa to fall into the "construction-forbidden" settlement category.

What does the Blessed Tony have to say about the settlements ? Nothing apparently.

The road map ( full text here ) calls on Israel to dismantle its furthest settlements and to freeze all settlement activity. .... "Israel also freezes all settlement activity, consistent with the Mitchell report."

The report was led by former US Senator George J. Mitchell and was published on April 30, 2001 by the US department of State ... and says inter alia

"In addition to the Interim Agreement, customary international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, prohibits Israel (as an occupying power) from establishing settlements in occupied territory pending an end to the conflict."...."The GOI should freeze all settlement activity, including the "natural growth" of existing settlements."

Repeat after me ...(ad fucking nauseum) Jerusalem is different. Jerusalem is our capital. It is Israeli sovereign territory." ... you are going to here this novel theory of sovereign territory time and again.

UN sanctions anyone ? ... at least in 1997 , Concluding a two-day meeting this afternoon, speakers in the Security Council called upon the Government of Israel to rescind its 26 February decision to build a new settlement in the Jabal Abu Ghneim (The Arabic name for Shar Shoma) area of East Jerusalem. (UN Press release) Har Homa has its own website


The U.S. vetoed two different UN Security Council resolutions that called on Israel to stop construction at Har Homa. The U.S. was the only country of the 15 members on the council to vote against the resolution (Jerusalem Post, 3/9/97).

In a vote of 134 to 3, the United States, along with Israel and Micronesia, were the only countries among the 185 members in the UN General Assembly to vote against an April 1997 resolution demanding an immediate halt to construction at Har Homa. The previous month, a similar resolution condemning Israeli activity at Har Homa was passed 130 to 2, with only the U.S. and Israel voting against it (The Times, 4/26/97).

PS : Since the Annapolis "peace conference" last week, 27 Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip, 24 of them Hamas militants. 15 of them were killed in aerial attacks and six were killed in artillery shelling and three were shot.

David Abrahams .. feared "jewish conspiracy" so gave in in secret illegally etc., etc., "the dog ate my homework " ...

David Abrahams gave in secret ‘to quell conspiracy fears’
07/12/2007 - By Leon Symons and the JC Reporting Team

From his £1 million apartment overlooking London’s Regents Park, publicity shy, retiring confirmed bachelor businessman and controversial Labour donor David Abrahams (19 anonymous donations through at least 4 proxies over 4 years totalling at least 660K) ) told the Jewish Chronicle ...." he had made his donations secretly so as to avoid accusations of his being part of a “Jewish conspiracy”.

“The real reason I wanted to remain anonymous was that I didn’t want Jewish money and the Labour Party being put together because this is what I feared would happen. People would say there’s a Jewish conspiracy." ...which seems as good a reason as any to break the law for political donations.

Poor shy David evidently has some historical and heavy feelings about fun loving Jon Mendelsohn ..."He tried to alienate me from my own organisation that I had helped to build up. He slagged me off over it ..."

Anyway David is back in circulation and On Tuesday night, he topped the guest list at the Anglo-Israel Association’s fundraising dinner at the Savoy, arriving with a friend he introduced as Catherine Zalanowska.

They spent the evening at Table Number 1, flanked by a clearly anxious Anglo-Israel official and the Israeli ambassador’s Special Branch officer.

The JC also report the sadness expressed by Andrew Dismore when his fawning PMQ was met with ..."he said: “Some Tories shouted ‘Lord Levy’ and ‘David Abrahams’ when I said the word Jewish. There were a few of them heckling. "

“It’s neither here nor there that they [Lord Levy and Mr Abrahams] are Jewish, it’s irrelevant. The Prime Minister rose above it.”

One wonders why then, that Mr Dismore was so anxious to single out for the Prime Minister the Jewish community in such a way for special praise.

Shy retiring David hired a PR front last week ...Martin Minns. Guradian profile of this self promoting arsehole here ....and more detail from a 2002 Guradian article on this fascinating man ... who unlike shy David loves the limelight...

Pic is of a 5,000 year old clay temple lamp - make of it what you want.

UPDATE : Merde! The BBC are now reporting that David Abrahams says he NEVER gave the interview to the Jewish Chronicle reported above but the JC stand by it ..... Martin Minns, said in a statement: "Reported comments in the Jewish Chronicle have been misrepresented.

"He wanted to remain anonymous to protect his privacy and for no other reason.

Well he has got a funny fuckinhg way of remaining anonymous.

Northern Rock - Action NOW is vital

Chris Flowers has walked away from Northern Rock without making a bid.

The continuing ( and irreplaceable) loss of depositors plus the conditions in the credit market is, many experienced financiers now see iy is now impossible (if it ever was) to make a commercially viable rescue plan work for Northern Rock.

Flowers had one of the strongest bids , the reputation and a commitment to repay £15bn to the Bank of England upfront, and the rest over three years.

Further delays will make any outcome even more problematic - the Virgin deal is simply hot air - dependent entirely on the major banks providing funds - which it appears will be on terms unacceptable to Branson.

The Gubment must get their nascent nationalisation legislation published without delay.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Happy Hanukkah !

PMQ's in the House yesterday ended on a happy note from Andrew "Brownose" Dinsmore ...
Mr. Andrew Dismore (Hendon) (Lab): Last night was the first night of Hanukkah. Will my right hon. Friend take this opportunity to pass on his best wishes to the Jewish community and acknowledge its great contribution to our society and life?

The Prime Minister: I agree entirely. When I addressed the Board of Deputies of British Jews, *****I told them that their community plays an enormous part in our life, not only through all the voluntary organisations in the Jewish community, which do a huge amount of work, but also through the contribution that is made right across our national life by organisations that represent the Jewish community. I pay tribute to what they have done over the centuries in our country.

Latkes all round at No 10 for supper then.

Here is a handy recipe ...

Latkes are potato pancakes fried in oil. The oil reminds us of the miraculous oil that lasted for eight days when the Temple of Jerusalem was rededicated.

4 cups peeled, grated potatoes
1 large onion, chopped
1 1/2 teaspoons salt - pepper to taste
2 tablespoons flour
2 eggs

Wash, peel, and grate the potatoes. Squeeze out liquid. Combine with onion, salt, flour, and pepper (and chives). Lightly beat the egg, and stir into the mixture.

Heat the oil in a pan, and spoon in tablespoons of the mixture to make medium sized patties. Brown on one side, turn and brown lightly on the other.

Serve with applesauce, cottage cheese, yogurt, or sour cream.

***** Strangely enough this was in April (when Prudent Gordon was still Chancellor) on the evening when David Abrahams sat next to Jon Mendelsohn and told him that he secretly donated money to Labour through intermediaries.... was that what he meant yesterday by ..."the contribution that is made right across our national life by organisations that represent the Jewish community." ???

Curiously it was that happy event and the Party Conference in Manchester that led Ivan Lewis MP for Bury South to write an article for the Jewish Chronicle with an unambiguous title...

Brown is a philo-semite. Expect great things -
JC.com 22/06/2007

Labour Party members and the world’s media will descend on my home city of Manchester this weekend to witness a historic “coronation”. Every section of society will begin to ask some key questions: Who is Gordon Brown? What does he stand for? Like all citizens, British Jews will be concerned about mainstream issues such as the economy, taxation, public services and the environment. Equally, Middle East policy, antisemitism and the threat of fundamentalist terrorism will be at the forefront of many peoples’ minds.

Having worked for him as a Treasury minister, I can confirm he is a remarkable man. He was the co-producer and many would say the main philosophical architect of New Labour and its unique contention that, in the modern world, economic dynamism and social justice are inextricably linked, not competing options. The Blair-Brown splits were overplayed, but Gordon has never cared much for the status and trappings of power and his impatience is fuelled by a burning desire to progress great causes like the elimination of child and pensioner poverty at home and making poverty history in Africa.

In Tony Blair, the community couldn’t have had a better friend in the good and bad times. But Gordon Brown’s friendship was developed not in the context of a political project but in the DNA of his upbringing. His father was a Church of Scotland minister who studied Hebrew and developed a profound affection and respect for Israel through regular visits.

His empathy with the Jewish cause encouraged Gordon, as a young 12-year-old, to write an article in the parish magazine entitled “Persecution”, later described by Brown’s biographer, Paul Routledge, as a “paean of praise for the Jewish people”. Our future Prime Minister highlighted the positive contribution of so many Jews throughout the world and described persecution as the “pernicious eclipse under which the Jewish people have always existed”.

Forty-three years later, in his recent speech to the Board of Deputies, Brown said: “I commit that never again will the Jewish community have to fight antisemitism alone, the Jewish community do not cause antisemitism and it must not fall on them to have to defeat it.” Even the cynics have to acknowledge that this is an authentic commitment.

In government, his empathy has been matched by action — condemning without qualification terrorist acts against Israel and boycotts of Israel. The Chancellor’s grant to the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET) (Nov 2005 of 1.5 Mn Pounds), which will fund at least two sixth-formers from every school in the country to visit Auschwitz, is unprecedented.

In the run-up to the leadership campaign, Mr Brown has addressed meetings and events organised by HET (see pic), Labour Friends of Israel and the Board of Deputies. In a period of rising antisemitism and extreme hostility towards Israel, some political leaders may have distanced themselves from a community which feels insecure. He demonstrated an integrity and empathy in contrast to the shallow opportunism of Messrs Hague and Cameron.

So what of the future? Our new Prime Minister believes that a two-state solution is both just and inevitable. However, there will be no grand plans which promise hope and deliver little change. He has made it clear that improved living conditions and jobs are key to marginalising the extremists. Economic development is the “roadmap” to a peace which is sustainable and real.

The USA, irrespective of its political leadership, will continue to be a key ally — but like any successful relationship, reciprocity will be expected and asserted. Iraq will not be deserted for short-term political gain but nor will our troops be asked to make sacrifices for no purpose.

At home, Prime Minister Brown will not compromise on his belief that the state’s first responsibility is the security of its citizens. He understands that you cannot fight Islamic fundamentalist terrorism according to the rules of cricket or elevate individual rights above national security.

Equally, he will focus on building a new consensus around common British values, which seeks to marginalise the extremists and support leaders who are willing to say difficult things to their own communities. Mr Brown has made it clear that he regards faith schools and charities as a major part of the solution, not the problem.

The Chief Rabbi has acknowledged Gordon Brown as a leader of great moral purpose. He becomes our Prime Minister as Britain and the world face great challenges. He will undoubtedly be a strong leader, combining intellect, integrity and substance.

More than that, over time I predict many of you will decide he is someone you would like to have around your Friday night dinner table.

Ivan Lewis is MP for Bury South

Northern Wreck - Gordon ready to introduce Nationaisaltion legislation before Christmas break

An interesting exchange yesterday at PMQ's

Dr. Vincent Cable (Twickenham) (LD):

Now that the taxpayers’ loan to Northern Rock has almost reached the level of the annual defence budget and is increasing every week by £3 billion—the equivalent of 15 hospitals—what guarantees has the Prime Minister received that this money will be fully repaid, beyond the vague assurances offered by Mr. Branson and the assorted collection of hedge-fund sharks who are behind him and others?

The Prime Minister: The hon. Gentleman should make up his mind whether he wants Northern Rock to be rescued or not. The important thing, for the stability of the economy, the security of mortgage holders and the company’s shareholders, is that it be rescued. We have taken the necessary action. At one stage, there was all-party support for that. I believe that we have done the right thing, and any settlement with any potential buyer will insist that the public funds are properly protected.

Dr. Cable: There is a sensible way to rescue the bank. Why is the Prime Minister so dogmatically opposed to the common-sense solution of public ownership on a temporary basis, which would protect the public loan, the north-east and the depositors? Is it that he regards the advocates of that policy, which now include the Financial Times, The Economist and, apparently, his own civil servants as too left wing, or is he petrified by indecision?

The Prime Minister: I am beginning to think that the hon. Gentleman is better at the jokes than at economics. When he talks about Northern Rock and public ownership as a temporary solution, he means that we should try to find a private buyer. That is exactly what we are going to do. All options are on the table, but we are trying to find a private buyer.

PS : The Headline is spurious but a little birdy ......

The loan to NR should never have been made ... but we are here and this is NOW.... to extend a loan facility of 10 Bn pounds upward to the ilk of the bearded wonder , bottom feeder Ross and their sort would be madness and the tax papeyr could kiss the dosh goodbye forever as there are simply no sanctions to ensure re-payment or recovery.

NR must be nationalised on special terms and sold off as best it can ... the jobs will flow someone has to administer 140 Mn pounds worth of Geordie dwellings.

Then we can set about hanging the guilty from the lamposts of Threadneedle Street and from the balconies of the NR HQ .

White House has now "lost" 10 million e-mails in Room 101

Monday, September 17, 2007 we posted Dick Cheney's Room 101 - his e-mails consigned to blanks in cyberspace that gave the back ground on how 5 million White House e-mails had disappeared.

(The Presidential Records Act 1978 requires the President to “take all such steps as may be necessary to assure that the activities, deliberations, decisions, and policies that reflect the performance of his constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties are adequately documented … and maintained as Presidential records.” )

Well the President isn't taking steps ... and Citizens for the Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) first exposed and described this massive hole in White House email records last April.

Now CNN's Jack Cafferty has taken up their further discovery that as many as 10 Million e-mails have ended up in Room101 Video here read the detailed CREW Fact sheet here 2 page pdf

The White House doesn't deny that 10 million emails over a 2.5 year period are missing - the number that is reflected in internal White House documents that CREW has requested under FOI. (The period covers March of 2003 to October 2005 - that's from the illegal invasion of Iraq- exposing Plame etc., through the aftermath (Inc Abu Ghraib )to Katrina.)

So what did the White House do to that FOI request of months ago ? The legal eagles of the West Wing advanced what CREW counsel Anne Weismann as a "newly minted legal theory that the Office of Administration is suddenly no longer an agency subject to the FOIA."See the CREW response here

"On the White House's own website, the OA is designated as one of the few components in the Executive Office of the President subject to the FOIA. The website also provides a link to the OA's FOIA regulations and identifies an OA FOIA officer."
The White House (via Scott Stanzel) took a sniffy and gloriously vacuous stance ..

"CREW has yet to provide any basis for their assertions -- be it their original assertion, or their new claim. We are aware that some e-mails may not have been automatically archived in the past, but they may be available on backup tapes. Unlike what the liberal group CREW has asserted, we've never been without a backup system. The Office of Administration at the White House has been maintaining and preserving backup tapes for the official email system."

Just look at the lovely weasel word "may", dontcha just love lawyers ? we "may" not have archived records, we "may" have them available.

...and dontcha just love that "L" word ...CREW are "liberals"....and not only that there is a whole ..er..group of 'em out there. Scary.

GWU National Security Archive are on to the case as well here with links to details of pleas etc.,

The Archive filed this case on September 5, 2007, against the Executive Office of the President (EOP) and its components seeking to recover at least 5 million federal e-mail records improperly deleted by the EOP. After the government failed to provide adequate assurances that backups and copies of the missing e-mail would be preserved throughout this litigation, on October 11, 2007, CREW filed a motion for a temporary restraining order against the White House defendants in its case. A hearing in CREW’s case was held before Magistrate Judge Facciola on October 17, 2007. Magistrate Judge Facciola issued a Report and Recommendation on October 19, 2007, advising the Court to grant a temporary restraining order. The government has filed objections to Magistrate Judge Facciola’s Report and Recommendation, and CREW has responded to the government’s objections.

It's like the warrantless surveillance case by the EFF - this simply will not go away Mr President.

Get the background and history of White House e-mail here

PS : Iowa born, bred and educated (IS - Outstanding Young Alumni - Degree in Journalism) Scott Stanzel joined the Bush for President campaign in Iowa in 1999. After Bush won the Iowa Caucuses, Stanzel became a media coordinator in the Bush for President headquarters in Austin, Texas. After serving on the famous Florida recount team, Stanzel became a Spokesman in the Office of Media Affairs at the White House, dealing with the regional press.

In 2004, he became the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign press secretary. After the campaign, he joined Microsoft as a Senior Public Affairs Manager( so plenty of tech savvy on hand to find missing e-mails then ) until he joined the Tony Snow media circus. Checkout his blog here

Scott was the guy who took the softballs when the President announced commuting Scooter's 30 month sentence.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Randy Andy Hayman and the luscious female IPCC textee and phone sex enthusiast

Randy Andy Hayman it now appears was out of the doors of New Scotland Yard like a rat out of a drain when confronted with evidence of " improper contacts "with a female employee at the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).

Channel 4 News has reported that Randy Andy rang or texted the woman 400 times in two months Jan - Feb 2007 - nearly all out of hours. This was whilst they were investigating the murder by the Met of de Menezes. Such a contact ignored guidelines for senior police officers, these contacts were not disclosed. The lady was employed from January 06 at IPCC, left and is now employed at ACPO headquarters.

Channel 4 reported that he decided to retire on Monday, the same day that it put the allegations to him. An IPCC spokeswoman said last night: " We have satisfied ourselves as far as we can that there was no improper sharing of information. It appears the calls were not work related."

Readers may remember the suspension of an(un named) IPCC staff member in August for disclosing information in the de Menezes murder case...see more here

Readers may be interested in the light of remarks about heavy expenditure at ACPO on a counter terrorism command centre in relation to Randy Andy

Counterterrorism funding 28 Nov 2006 : Column WS84

In January 2006, the Government announced a single consolidated counterterrorism grant for the police service, enabling it to increase its counterterrorism capability and improve effectiveness. In order to achieve this, we pulled together resources from existing grants, including the provision for dedicated security posts formerly in general grant. For 2006-07, this totalled more than £460 million, including an extra £63 million for local and regional policing and £30 million for the MPS. In 2007-08, we will be increasing this extra funding to £100 million for local and regional policing and £45 million for the MPS. To enhance further the counterterrorism capability of police authorities, we have also made provision of £25 million within the increase in general grant to police authorities in 2007-08.

We have been working very closely with ACPO on this matter

ACPO HQ where this lady ended up working and with a new command centre out of funds over which no doubt Randy Andy had considerable influence and control...

Just as a reminder - it is not possible to invoke disciplinary procedures in the Met with an officer who has resigned.Ho.Ho.Ho.

Pic here is from the Norfolk Police News .... Pictured left to right: Heidi Tubby, Norfolk Constabulary Staff Officer, Simon Taylor Deputy Chief Constable of Norfolk Constabulary, Carolyn McCall, Chief Executive Guardian Newspapers Ltd and Susan Peerless, Norfolk Constabulary Senior HR Advisor Diversity.

Norfolk Constabulary was short listed for the new member award which is an award for diversity and equality programmes....does that make you start thinking of Common Purpose ?

Northern Rock to be nationalised - Good News at last

The confused, dumb and extremely frightened men now responsible for sinking $30 Bn. plus of tax payer;s money into Northern Wreck are busy adding a belt to their braces.

A Nationalisation bill for Northern Rock is being agreed with the Conservative Party (NOT WITH VINCE CABLE IT SEEMS) to put Northern Wreck plc into public ownership - and to rush it through in one day before Christmas.

The Government wants interested parties to submit final deals by the end of the week. Parliament goes into recess on December 17 and returns on January 7.

The Government is required to report to the European Union on February 12 over the bank's future and address any state aid issues.

Northern Wreck's finances get worse daily as canny Geordies pull out their wedges as nothing seems to happen. Two weeks ago, it was losing £200m a day in deposits. Price Waterhouse Coopers who audited Northern Wreck have billed £1.8m in fees.

Richard Sexton, PwC's UK head of assurance,told the Treasury Select Committee the firm made £700,000 in fees from issuing "no more than 10" letters of comfort for the bank's securitisation programme in 2006. Securitisations underpinned its aggressive funding model.

PWC claims it was not required to audit liquidity risks and merely provided so-called "comfort letters" in relation to Northern Rock's funding transactions.

UPDATE If you arrived here by Alphaville /FT you might like to see previous posts on the Northern Wreck saga. here

FBI refuse FOI request to confirm 911 planes identity.

RINF.com made an FOI request to the FBI seeking confirmation of the process by which recovered debris belonging to the 4 aircraft used in the 9/11 terrorist attacks was identified. This request was denied. An appeal of that decision has also been denied. Court action is pending.

The National Transportation Safety Board is an independent Federal agency charged by Congress with investigating every civil aviation accident in the United States.

But they didn't investigate any of the 4 planes crashes on 9/11.

The National Transportation Safety Board lists the above flights on September 11, 2001 as being provided by the following aircraft, that were listed under the Federal Aviation Administration registry as follows:

American Airlines flight 11 - North Tower WTC N334AA
United Airlines flight 175 - South Tower WTC N612UA
American Airlines flight 77 - Pentagon N644AA
United Airlines flight 93 - Shanksville N591UA

The NTSB has announced on its website that responsibility for the investigations and reports have been assigned to the FBI, but there is no indication that mandatory investigations were ever conducted or that the reports of any investigations have been written.

Records are held of every part used in manufacture by serial number, and for all subsequent servicing - essential to the safety process. So identification is straightforward.,,, a clerical job after the parts are retrieved and the serial identification numbers identified and recorded.

According to the FBI, “the material requested is located in an investigative file which is exempt from disclosure pursuant to Title 5, United States Code, Section 552, subsection (b) (7) (A).”

This subsection reads: “could be reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”

There are no proceedings to be interfered with - so why is the FBI so coy ? More ...

The FBI and the US Government allege that 4 wide-body airliners crashed resulting in the 3,000 deaths . Not one piece of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to positively identify any of the four aircraft.

Here is an article by Retired USAF Colonel George Nelson explaining how parts identification is carried out.Impossible to Prove a Falsehood True:Aircraft Parts as a Clue to their Identity

PS : It has been reported that the aircraft, registry number N591UA, is still in operation.
Photo : This is a slat control system of a 767 200-300 a full explanation of what it is, does and where it is found on the plane is here

This is a collection of photographs, reports of debris found, personal articles etc.,

Peter Mandelson makes some slippery remarks about US biofuel boondoggle - fist fight in sight ?

In September Lord Patel detailed how a subsidy for US farmers was actually resulting im heavily subsidised biofuels reaching Europe and destroying the domestic EU market -Boondoggling biodiesel - How Uncle Sam subsidises the EU motorist

A shipload of biodiesel derived 100% from palm oil arrives at a Texan or Georgia port, Houston or Savannah - ho;ding say 9 million gallons . At the dock they add , 9,000 gallons (0.1% of the total) of traditional diesel (1 US gallon =3.8litres). This is the "splash and dash" and it is transformed into B99 biofuel blend. Hey presto! The entire load is eligible for the Federal US blenders tax credit.

The US importer of the load applies to the Internal Revenue Service for the credit – a dollar for each of the 9 million biodiesel gallons (approx Euros 20 cents per litre approx 11p) and then the ship hightails it for Rotterdam.

Result is - happy motorists, US taxpayers out millions of tax dollars and the EU biofuel manufacturers stuffed.

The EU complained officially in March 2007 and today Peter Mandelson, the European Trade Commissioner(see pic), has said he "may" investigate....er.. real soon now of dumping in the European biofuels market.

The European Biodiesel Board (EBB) claim that the subsidies have had a perverse effect, sending European imports of biodiesel from the United States soaring from about 100,000 tonnes in 2006 to an expected one million tonnes this year. In most cases B99 blends are sold in the European market as “pure biodiesel” with a tasty discount of up to €180 (£129) a tonne andoften lower than the cost of raw materials in Europe.

“We will certainly examine carefully any case put forward by the EBB,” says Mr Mandeson ..which doesn't leave you with the impression that anyone is breaking much sweat over this boondoggle.

Elliott Mannis, CEO of D1 Oils, one of Britain’s biggest biofuel producers, claims the EU industry is operating at only 10% capacity, mothballed refineries and companies facing administration.

“There is just no way that European manufacturers can compete,” . One British company, Biofuels plc, has cited American subsidies as a key reason for delisting from AIM in July, owing Barclays about £90 million and the shareholders losing all their money (all within 2 years). See Saturday, July 14, 2007 Biofuels plc - all that is green is not golden
Biopetrol biodiesel and glycerine production sales / profits soar about Biopetrol Industries the Swiss based biofuel processor.

Just another example of the Laws of Unintended Consequences when lawmakers decide to use the tax system as more than a source of revenue but want to influence commercial behaviour.

Don't expect any action from Mr Mandelson for a very long time.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Amy Winehouse can't get her shirt together

The Andy Hayman and Heidi show ... the Metropolitan Police Farce

The Metropolitan Police Force is tracking down up to £3 million in "missing" and highly questionable expenses expenses after financial controls on American Express cards issued to officers, Records are in a "complete mess". Apparently MP Head of Terrism Andy Hayman who cam in for some heavy flack over the murder of de Menezes has been ...er..."helping the Police with their enquiries"

Handy Andy can also expect a close examination of the nature of the "entirely profesional" function of former glamorous staff officer, Sergeant Heidi Tubby. Heidi accompanied Handy Andy on er..er.... business trips.

Anyway Andy has had enough of policing and has handed in hus lunch pail (not believed to be as big as the one recently handed in by Sphincter of the Yard Peter Clarke - his pal on the terror stalking beat.

MPA chairman Len Duvall who has a wide and fasniating range of intrests in property in the Thames basin ,***is quoted in the Daily Telegraph : "Andy Hayman has made enormous strides in building the new national arrangements for counter terrorism, as well as modernising the Specialist Operations Directorate in the Met."

*** Saturday, January 20, 2007 Don't Mess with the Met OK ? says Chairman Len

\\Update : Beats patrolling the beat in Norfolk when Andy was there in 2004 (BBC)

Update Wednesday :

Sir IanBlair Chief Liar at New Scotland Yard ( at present) said in a statement: "I fully understand his decision to leave at this time and wish him well for the future."

Hopeless and confused Home Secretary, Jacqui "Cleavage"Smith, said: "Andy Hayman has been at the forefront of the police's work to protect our country from the terrorist threat." ... except when fiddling his expenses and shagging Heidi ar a Heathrow Airport Hotel prior to jetting off when he has a flat provided by the Met in London.

GOOD NEWS for Terrists : due to Handy Andy's premature ejaculation Peter Clarke will NOT be handing in his vast lunch pail just yet.

Monday, December 03, 2007

MP3 Music Downloads - the new black in the 2008 record biz

Billboard say that Pepsi and Amazon have been planning for 12 months for a massive joint download promotion which is expected to be announced on February 3 during the Super Bowl, in Arizona.

Pepsi's first stab at giving away free music downloads, which was conducted in partnership with iTunes in 2004, was also promoted via a highly visible Super Bowl campaign. It resulted in 5 million people downloading free songs in the space of three months.(So long ago it was Before I-Pods and Before I- Tunes)

At the same time Walmart ( a family corner grocery store) has asked that major labels supply them with music in MP3 format.

This is putting pressure on Warner Music Group (WMG) and Sony BMG Music Entertainment to follow EMI and Universal Music Group's lead in distributing their music catalogues in MP3 format.

Disney’s Hollywood Records is another major testing MP3 at Amazon and Wal Mart . The company has supplied 30 to 40 titles from its back catalogue - latest albums Atreyu and Grace Potter & the Nocturnals on the Hollywood label available are currently in the MP3 format - they are not available at iTunes….yet

Water cooler talk in the industry says Amazon will pay labels in the area of 40 cents per track. This compares with the 65-70 cents labels currently receive from Amazon for digital track sales and the 70 cents they (are saidto ) get from Apple.

The Super Bowl commercials (even without the Bears there) will nonetheless double as the coming-out party for Amazon's digital download site, which soft-launched September 25. Since then, without aggressively promoting its download business, Amazon has captured about a 3 % market share – compared with 6% of the CD market.(Billboard figures)

Wal-Mart has (up to press) some 2 % market share in the digital download market but 22% of CD sales.

Massive changes are in the wind in the music distribution world.

UPDATE 6/12 Poop Murdoch's Times has finally discovered this story ... here

Panto season starts

Thanks to the Flying Rodent....

Another day another major Nu Labour sleaze story

David Abrahams tells us that "a senior unnamed Labour MP" claims he approached him for an Earldom and half of Surrey.

In 2004, a man called George Crawford gave £36,000 to the Nu Labour party.

There is a solicitor with the same moniker in Newcastle - who (coincidentaly ?) has been a been a co-director in a company with John McCarthy, a fellow solicitor (so far unkown figurue) who was a bagaman for Abrahams. (see blogs past) .

Mr Crawford said when approached that he "did know Mr Abrahams" but was not " aware of his name being used to make a donation"

Craig Murray who has an evidently deep seated liking for the wee Wendy exposes more corruption North of the Border and the Herald stirs even deeper shit for wee Wendy - who one assumes will be ex Leader by teatime.

Toni Fabuloso says we should rig up an alcohol rub in the office after having had to type all this shit up.

Update Tuesday : MSP Charlie Gordon, who resigned last week as Labour's transport spokesman after it emerged he arranged an illegal donation from Jersey tycoon Paul Green, has now admitted he earlier supported the same businessman for an unspecified honour.

The move is understood to have happened between 2003-2005.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Gordon's Labour endorses some fascinating new donors with interesting overseas connections

The Mail on Sunday focuses on the activities of Mahmoud Khayami, a French citizen (Iranian by birth) who runs a car dealership in California and has a villa in Cannes . He became a "permissible" donor to UK political parties on May 1, when he first appeared on the Electoral Register as resident at his £3million mansion in Hampstead Garden Suburb, North London, which he has owned since April 1986. (He cannot however vote in Parliamentary elections)

The following day he gave £500,000 to the Labour party - others followed £5,000 on May 14 and £5,000 on June 13 were made during the tricky transition period when Mr Brown was preparing to take over from Tony Blair. This it appears was part of £1 Mn pledged at the time and reported by the Guradian / Observer and of which Darling Tony said ;

'I would like to thank Mahmoud Khayami for making such a generous donation to the Labour party and for supporting our values of economic prosperity coupled with social justice.

'Mahmoud Khayami is a committed promoter of inter-religious understanding among Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities in the UK and abroad and is widely known for his widespread philanthropic work.'>

A grateful Hazel Blears received £5,000 on June 26th for her Deputy Leadership campaign

After Brown's coronation Mr Khayami gave £320,000 on September 24 was the second largest individual donation made during Mr Brown's tenure as Prime Minister.

All legal and above board yer honour - like his earlier endowments to 2 new secondary Sheffield schools in 2005 under the City Academy programme. Both academies will be run by a leading Anglican Church School Trust.

All legal and above board there sir.

The Guradian story said that Khayami's relationship with Labour was fostered by the party's newly appointed chair of its faith task force, public-relations executive Anthony Bailey (see pic) - an influential Roman Catholic and ULT board member whose connections stretch from the House of Saud to the Vatican. His selection for the chair of a key Labour initiative - approved by Tony Blair, a close friend, is endorsed by Gordon Brown. ( Interestingly the current version of the Guradian story has this added footnote - This article was amended on June 24 2007. Anthony Bailey has asked us to clarify that he is a public-relations executive, not a 'lobbyist' as we previously wrote in the article above. - Bailey's PR company, Eligo International, counts the Syrian government and the Assad family as well as Saudi royalty among his clients. )

Bailey is a fascinating character (and smarmy get) - whose £500,000 donation to Labour was rejected in controversial circumstances two years ago. (Guradian) - rejected by its chief fundraiser, and pillar of fiscal rectitude, Lord Levy, who allegedly feared the money had come from foreign businessmen - the party later accepted £50,000. - Lots more here

Mr Bailey married the gorgeous pouting blonde, HSH Princess Marie-Therese von Hohenberg of Austria , (great-granddaughter of Archduke Franz Ferdinand whose assassination precipitated WW 1) , earlier this year. Mahmoud tells us he and his wife enjoyed it but Hazel Blears tells said that although invited she was out on her motorbike that weekend.

PS : Toni Fabuloso's mole at the nursery tells us that Sarah Brown is a very good friend of Nicola Mendelsohn. See previous post about working mum Nicola

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