The activities of Hitler and his anxiety to amend or ignore the Treaty of Versailles ( the cause of many of the problems afflicting the Middle East today) alarmed Europe in the early 30's. Mussolini convened a conference in the seaside resort of Stresa in April 1935 (also used by Bilderbergers in 2004) so he could arrive triumphantly and exotically in a motor boat. (Pic Ramsay MacDonald at Stresa, Laval is behind his head)
This conference produced the much vaunted (at the time) Stresa Front. An agreement made between French foreign minister, the grisly , and eventually traitorous Pierre Laval ***, (who had previously tried to form a similiar pact with Russia and Italy) British Labour Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, and Mussolini. The stated intention of the conference was to confirm the post Versailles Locarno Treaties, and to declare their support for and the independence of Austria, which "would continue to inspire their common policy". They also agreed to resist any future attempt by the Germans to change the Treaty of Versailles.
The front failed because it's goals were unclear. What was clear was that the only way to curb Hitler's calls for lebensraum and stop German re-armament in flagrant defiance of their Versailles Treaty obligations was to invade. Britain, France or Italy had no desire or intention of invading Germany. Ramsay McDonals was also constrained by the belief that the British public were strongly anti-war.
The Front was a failure from the get go. In 2 months Ramsay McDonald ,to his lasting discredit had signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement, in which Germany was allowed to increase the size of its naval forces , up to 35% of the Royal Navy and also to build submarines - whose value in naval warfare , was up till then an unknown quantity.
The UK had omitted (deliberately and deceitfully) to discuss this with its Stresa partners and the front fell apart. The French naturally cried "perfide Albion" - and not without due cause, and Italy invaded Abyssinia (which bordered bordered French and British Somaliland) and used poison gas to do so.
The only thing that can be said in the favour of forming the Stresa Front was that it (deliberately ) failed to mention Germany by name so as to prevent antagonising Hitler because of the vague terms. It was also effective in keeping Hitler guessing at what Britain would do - which was easy because they had no plans for dealing with Hitler other than appeasement. Any such advantage however was lost by capitulation , appeasement and the almost immediate signing of the Anglo-German Naval Agreement.
It is unwise and silly to draw direct parallels with the situation at the United Nations today. But there are parallels to draw.
Israel, shielded, supported and supplied by the USA ( and a few island states in Micronesia) has repeatedly, endlessly and with no care or concern ignored it's obligations to the UN, it's neighbours, and various Geneva conventioms.
Nobody however wants to bell the Israeli cat. Excuses , just as they were for Hitler, can and are always found so that action is forestalled. Like Hitler Israel plays a game of splitting it's foes, dividing it's opposition. It develops a monstrous view of a racialist state, guided by a pure and unadulterated spiritual view of life and the nation and seeks total submission to this ideal by it's citizens and it's religious diaspora.Always parading their history of the Holocaust - shared with many other millions but unsung in the pantheon of Zionism, the handicapped, the mentally ill, the gypsies, the homosexuals...
The UN resolution which has been drawn up at leisure by the lawyers in New York, is like the Stresa Front. By circumlocution, by omitting the obvious and stating the unattainable in fine words they ensure its failure - the US because it wants to support the Zionist state and the rest because no-one wants to take up the burden either in terms of blood or treasure.
This mass myopia is endemic it appears, sedulously pushed by the likes of Blair who shares the common view of a common and mythical enemy - the twin scourges of terrorism and religious fanaticism which stoke the fires of a perverted nationalism... or is that simply a description of Zionism?
After the Stresa Front failed, the Austrian plebiscite was held in Austria, the Rhineland was occupied , then the Anschluss - all pre-planned from the first moment of success in 1933.
So far we are have only seen the first few moments of the Israeli plan unfolding and can only dimly make out the main events today and guess at future events. The UN proposal is merely a device to enable that plan to be taken forward.
Pierre Laval, letter to Jacques Barnaud (September, 1942)
If the Germans are beaten, General de Gaulle will return. He will be supported by 80 or 90 per cent of the French people and I shall be hanged.
Which is exactly what happened.