"“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried.” "

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 12th March 2009

""We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system."

Timothy Geithner US Secretary of the Treasury, previously President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1/3/2009

Monday, July 11, 2005

"Out of the blue......." OFFICIAL

Lord Stevens, (now a pensioner) ex cop, still however beavering away on his report into the death of Lady Diana, wrote in March 2005 in the News of the World, (that Icon of truthful reportage from the Murdoch stable), claiming that there are probably some 200 Osama Bin Laden trained terrorists walking free on the streets of Britain who(according to him) "would all commit devastating terror attacks against us if they could". When challenged about these remarks he couldn't or wouldn't provide any backup, evidence or any form of substantiation for his claim.

Now this descendent of Gypsy Petulengro tells us the Underground / Bus bombers were "almost certainly" British and he told the BBC,the attackers would not "fit the caricature al-Qaeda fanatic from some backward village in Algeria or Afghanistan".

Now I don't know where the quarry is where you can find the stuff that from which he manufactured his amazing crystal ball, but it sounds to me that ;

1. Lord Stevens ought to be helping the Police with their enquiries
2. ... or he should shut up.

Presumably if enough ideas are floated, chaos theory will predict one of them to be true..monkey on typewriters banging out Shakespeare are brought to mind.

It is 4 days since the outrage and we are told (after some revealing re-cantations over timings) ..

1. Co-ordinated bombing
2. Use of High Explosive
3. No warning
4. er.....

Jack Straw MP (AKA Foreign Secretary)tells us these are the hallmarks of Al Quaeda ? ..... They must make this stuff up as they go along. Simple me, I thought they flew planes into skyscrapers, had single massive vehicular bombs, suicide bombers...etc., But then I don't read Rupe's rags.

On Thursday the BBC reported that London's Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair ( Mystic Meg Steven's successor) told the BBC at 11.18 am (2.5 hrs after tube bombs)he knows of "about six explosions", one on a bus and the others related to Underground stations.

If they don't make it up, they get it wrong.

The more we are told, the less we know. The more we are not told, the more of a shambles this appears to be.

Charles Clarke MP (AKA Home Secretary, responsible for our protection) said in Parliament the day following the bombs..." The fact is we have a very effective intelligence service but we didn't predict this particular attack at this particular time.

"But, in fact, we don't think anything was missed and it simply came out of the blue.

There you go .... Johnny Terrorist - tricky fella to deal with dontcha know. Now you see him.... well. er .. no you don't.

The people of Birmingham are lucky that their Chief Constable knows how to deal with these terrorist swine ... send everybody home to an early bed ... that'll warn those murdering cowards.

This is a moment to seize. The Kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are in flux. Soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us re-order this world around us. Tony Blair. Labour Party Conference Oct 2nd 2001

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