Swap shrimps for Falcons ?
More negotiations are scheduled next week in Hawaii for a Thai / US Free Trade Area. President Bush and Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra agreed on Monday to make "vigorous efforts" to reach an FTA, POTUS said both sides wanted a deal "as soon as possible."
Thai Foreign Minister Kantathi Suphamongkon on Tuesday, said Thailand wanted to ensure its companies had fair access to U.S. markets and that prices for pharma products, wouldn't rise in Thailand as a result of an unfair free trade agreement.
Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) was only agreed after bruising talks , any agreement with Thailiand will require approval by Congress.
Rob Portman, the U.S. trade representative, on Wednesday said that protection of U.S. intellectual property rights and the environment are , "critical to ensuring strong support in Congress."
Kantathi said the US should also consider removing protective trade barriers against Thailand for American shrimpers complaining of dumped shrimp - Thai shrimpers had their boats and shrimp farms destroyed or damaged in the December tsunami and the Gulf fishers have lost their boats, shrimps and livelihoods - but shrimp cocktails are still necessary essential on the Beltway cocktail circuit .
Kantathi also spoke about Myanmar, defending Thailand's decision to serve as a "door to the world" for the isolated country. He said engagement with Thailand's reclusive neighbor was hastening democracy in the military-run country.Elswwhere, more quietly, Donald Rumsfeld was talking about supplying 16 of the latest F-16 jet fighters ( to replace 30 year old F- 6 A/B jets) which the US has been using in Afghanistan, under a barter trade agreement, said incoming air force chief ACM Chalit Pukpasook. ( So Northrop Gumman can make another 16 for inventory? They have made 2,230 so far) Remember Pakistan were offered a couple 2, weeks ago after the US passed over decades long objections to India's civil nuclear programs) He said the sale of the F-16 C/Ds would be at a friendly price of 20 billion baht. Thailand would offer premium agricultural produce in return. ''The planes have not been used much and still have many flying hours left,'' he said. (pic a "used" F16 in Afghanistan)
No doubt such a sale will involve a high level of “training “ by USAF personnel etc., etc.,
Katrina ... Rita ... The Empire never sleeps.
1 comment:
Wow, I learned two new terms this week that before seemed like fantasy!
Unfair free trade agreement and
inland hurricane
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