Patel - what a bomber !
Mazher Mahmood the sleazy reporter for Rupe’s rag, News of the World, is
famous notorious as the “Fake Sheikh” who outed Prince Edward’s wife as a royalty tout, and “exposed” the plot to kidnap the Beckam sprogs (the court case collapsed when MM’s agent provacateur antics were exposed) and got bit part actor John Alford from “London’s Burning” banged up for small time drug dealing.
He’s at it again.
This week he lines up “fanatic” Imran Patel (no relation) who he has fingered to the Police and who was picked up by 20 anti-terrorist officers at 8.45pm on Saturday on his way to his mosque and taken to Leeds police station (NOT Paddington Green where they tale the real suspects) for questioning. (“You are going to be doing some overtime this weekend my boy!” "..Yes Sarge”)
I am confident that this deluded, weak minded lad will be released without charge – unless it is for wasting police time – which the intrepid sleuth MM most certainly is.
In conversations with the News of the World ( to whom he willingly spoke to warn people of the "validity of the coming jihad") he claims the 7/7 bombers came to his house, held discussions about their "mission" to carry out terrorist attacks in Britain. Patel decided NOT to join them when they suggested one of their targets should be a school where the victims would be innocent children. Public transport was discussed. "I thought he was talking about the Underground," said Patel.
"He mentioned the Houses of Parliament, nuclear power stations, universities. He did say schools and I said no."
If you want to read more go here
… I've got to keep an eye on some drying paint.
Of course the Police … still scratching through tons of trains, bus debris, and squillions of CCTV images … have to take note of any information the public provide. Here’s some for them … Sir Ian Blair tells lies in public about the progress of their investigations. Arrest him for wasting the Public’s time … and money.
Recent blogs on same topic here
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