Secret Bush/Blair conversation revealed ?
Now if you got here looking for the conversation at the G8 summit at St Petersburg you have found the details of the OTHER secret Bush/ Blair conversation about blowing up al Jazeera. You should follow this LINK HERE Now.
But you can read this as well ......
A slim, rather crumpled brown envelope has been thrust under my door, which regrettably Tyson my Chihuana has mauled more than somewhat…
On opening I was surprised to find the details of a conversation which appears to be between a Prime Minister and a President. There are insufficient details to precisely determine , place , date , time … … so I tell you Prime Minister these guys are wandering about there. Clapping their f(inaudible) hands, wearing bedsheets, strutting about like they own the f (inaudible) ing place .
They got this Radio Station, like VOA I tell you…
Voie of America, you know propaganda and all that c (inaudible).. called Al Jaz .
Al Jazeera ? The service funded by the Qatari Monarchy that took up all the staff from the Saudi Orbit channel the BBC World Service used to run up till 1966, and then closed down ?
Yes. I guess the same time they gave Saddam one of our Boeing 747’s for a present. Well it’s spewing out all this Arab c(inaudible), Osama BL BS. Beheadings.. I tell you… now Fallujah… these guys are (inaudible) and (inaudible).
We should bomb the C(inaudible)… bo(inaudible) these (inaudible) is too b(inaudible) too good for the (inaudible).
… so let me get this right then Prime Minister. You say don’t bomb these b(inauduble) and the BBC will set up a NEW Arab service to severely diss these b(audible).
When can we set this up ?
Well let’s see it’s April now, let’s say mid October next year. WE could mmove fast on this, the BBC could be ready I guess, £30 Mn should set it up. Very popular the BBC you know President. They have really good shows. The Archers .
You mean like Rush Limbaugh ?
(coughs) Well….er…
So that’s it then Prime Minister we bomb them with BS eh ? C/O the FO ? Nudge Nudge wink wink. Shower the sh(inaudible) with sound eh?
Prime Minister I like your style.. Softlee softlee killee monkey eh nudge nudge wink wink.
Hey you still using that Colgate toothpaste. Need some more ?
Now where was I …let’s open another bottle. G(inayduble) it’s hot in here. Stinking Texas weather, give me Connecticut anytime…
Paper torn.
…Yes President I’ll get on to it straight away.
Yes Sir. Straight away. Yes Sir.
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