New Abu Ghraib pics / the Rolling Stones S & M lyrics
60 previously unpublished photographs released under a claim by American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) under the Freedom of Information Act will be broadcast on the SBS Dateline program. Dateline, which began in 1984, is Australia's longest-running international current affairs program.
ACLU were granted access to the photographs last year but the US Administration has appealed against the decision on the grounds their release would fuel anti-American sentiment.
You can access the photographs 1 of the photographs released so far and published by the Sysdney Morning Herald online here
The decision to view is yours, only dog lovers those with a strong stomach should look. No doubt more will be available PDQ and circulated worldwide to inflame the fires of Muslim sentiment.
Recent blogs on same topic here
In September 2005 I pointed out here that "Dangerous Beauty" on the new Rolling Stones CD "A Bigger Bang" was about the Abu Ghraib activities and the related pics.
Pre – launch publicity for the CD of the Rolling Stones Tour – “a bigger bang” centred on Sweet Neo Con :
You call yourself a Christian
I think that you're a hypocrite
You say you are a patriot
I think that you're a crock of shit
But one thing that is certain
Life is good at Haliburton
If you're really so astute
You should invest at Brown & Root.... Yeah
Yeah Mick – cutting edge. Ron Wood who lives in America was said to be kacking his pants that the Feds would pull him…
I bought the CD today and played it…. They don’t let us down .. but then you get to this…
dangerous beauty Track 11In your high school photo
You look so young and naïve
Now I heard you got a nickname
The lady with the leash
Was it funny on your midnight shift
I bet you had your fair share of stiffs
Hey were onerous orders
I gotta admit
You’re a dangerous dangerous dangerous beauty
Disdainfully painfully beating up booty
You’re a dangerous dangerous dangerous beauty
‘Cos You’re a dangerous dangerous dangerous beauty
It’s so painfully plain to us
You were doing your dutyWho you got there in that hood
You look so fancy in those photographs
With your rubber gloves on
But you’re a favourite one
With the Chiefs of Staff
You’re doing such a wonderful job
You’re a natural at working with dogs
Keeping everyone awake at night
With a touch of the prodsYou’re a dangerous dangerous dangerous beauty
If I was your Captain would you salute ,me
You’re a dangerous dangerous dangerous beauty
Are you one bad apple in a box
Dealing out electric shocks
I saw the gloves coming off
If looks could be killing
I bet you would shoot me
You’re a dangerous dangerous dangerous beauty
Pianfuly shamefully doing your duty
You’re a dangerous dangerous dangerous beauty
The “Lady with the Leash” ?… Lynndie England
The Dangerous Beauty ? …. Sabrina Harman
Recent blogs on same topic here
1 comment:
The SMH article now has a link to fifteen of the new images plus an interesting little quote from the producer of the TV show that is planning to broadcast them ...
Mr Carey said he could not explain why the photographs had not yet been published, as he thought it was likely that some journalists had them.
"It think it's strange, maybe they think its more of the same."
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