BBC "sells" AJC "Fake News"
I raised the "fake news" on the BBC "World at One" half hour mid-day news program yesterday 6th April 2006 about the full page ad in that day's Financial Times and an interview by Beeb journo Mark Latey (?) with a representative (?) from the advertisers the American Jewish Council (AJC).(Click for PDF of ad shown here)
The AJC is a huge organisation with lots of money, rich and powerful friends, with world wide high level support ... Visitors to their forthcoming 100th AGM include President Bush, Chancellor Angela Merkel, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
They are very adept at spreading their message which they claim on their website . "Using the latest technologies in our advocacy work – airwaves, films, internet – and translating AJC research and statements into other languages, AJC stands out as a global Jewish organization."
It is evident that the over riding concern of the AJC is to identify Iran as enemy of the Israeli state - and of everyone else. An objective shared with many other such organisations.Indeed No 1 item on the List of topics for the AGM is ..
What should we worry about next?
Iran: Growing danger to the region
and the world
With lectures and discussion lead by ..
Iran: Growing Danger to the Region and
the World
Efraim Halevi, (Who went to the same school at the same time as Tony's pal Lord Levy, his "special Mid-East envoy) Director, Israel’s Mossad
R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary of State (Condi's sidekick - big chance she will make a "surprise" show as AIPAC Pin up girl)
The lead news item on their site is ...
Stop Iran's Nuclear Arms Drive
Israel Defense Minister Tells AJC Iran is Number One Threat
March 21, 2006 – Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz told the American Jewish Committee today .......
”The moment Iran will have nuclear capability it will be a different world,” he said.
“Iran will continue to support terrorism activities, and be a leader of the Axis of Evil, all under a nuclear umbrella.” He emphasized that Iran’s desire to develop nuclear weapons threatens many countries, not just Israel, and without American and European action, and UN sanctions, it will be difficult to stop Iran.
The Lead item in a list of the ways mebers can help punches home the message...
Time is running short: only a few years remain for preventing a nuclear Iran – and possibly less. Iran already has the missiles to deliver such weapons across the Middle East and beyond ...... Please call upon Congress to pass legislation now that could help stop a nuclear Iran before it is too late.
You might well ask ... I shall be asking Helen Boaden who is responsible for BBC News output.... you can as well, e - mail her desk ... .. to learn how this "selling" the news is done go here
Thanks to Stef for help.
Anyone ever watched the two part documentatry "Religion - The root of all Evil"? You will need to atch both parts of this documentaty and FULLY understand them to understand this comment.
I'm not out to be-little or stamp on anyone's belief's as I think just about all religions are as bad as each other, but for the sake of this comment, and that the article is about Iran. Try telling believers in Islam that life on thisd planet simply evolved. do that and the far few of believers of the writings of the Koran will quite happily knock you onto the ground and stamp on you until your heart beats no longer. The lucky ones are the onlys that will at least listen to what's to be said and discuss.
Someone prove to me, without the slightest shadow of any doubt that ANY religious book of ANY religion has not been poluted by that well known process called; "Chinese whispers." No disrespect to the Chinese. Last thing I want is every country on this planet sending their own assassin to snuff my life out.
Look, too many times I've heard from as the Asian community the word "Jehad". Just about everything seems to be justified by religion.
I don't know that Iran is up to. Maybe they want to simply generate their own energy. Hopefully not, maybe make the stuff to to put onto the top of missiles to send to all the non-believers?
Ont thing I do seem to know is that don't want to be in Iran now. I've recently reard over the news services that there is some blike that decided to renounce Islam and take up another religion, only to be dragged through the courts of the country.
Criky, you can't even NOT beblive in a religion as then the whole lot will pile onto you!
Heh, Even America is not squeeky clean. With many of their church establishments which brain wash children before they pop out into the world.
Oh yes.. Hopefully not during my time on this planet, but there will be a religious thirld world war. Except I beleive that the third war will truly wipe the majority of life off this planet.
Maybe that's what is needed. To purge the majority of the human race off the planet and to try start again. Could this be mother nature's ultimate plan?
Me? I don't do religion any more. Too many lives have been lost in the name of religion and some day civilization will end in the name of religion, then what use will the Testements, and Korans will be to anyone?
Mabe being mortal is really a good thing after all.
The evidence just keeps on piling up!
"At least 40 people have been killed in an apparent double suicide bomb attack on a Shia mosque in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, police have said."
Now there is religion for you. Middle East style religion. If you don't like the other religions faction, simply try to blow up as many as the infidels as possible. Oh, and keep on blowing them up. Wehay!!! It's a Jehad!
Sorry, got to be said/written, but all those lot, the ones who want to do the killing in the name of their religion, are simply animals.
I'm proud not to be one of those who blow up others because I disagree with the other's beliefs.
Criky!!! They are doing this to themselves!!! What hope has the west got against loonies who fight their own creed and colour!
Clearly myron is a moron.
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