Condi " Give Peace a fucking chance ! "
Condi and her beau stepped briskly down the steps of the Town Hall, Blackburn with a very brief wave and kept close to the wall and railings (thigmatropic response as the zoologists describe the scuttling style of the woodlouse) surrounded by 15 burly well dressed
thugs men who looked like what the zoologists call, bulls in a china shop. (CR is just to the right of the Plods with the cameras by the tree, with JS behind)
In seconds they were in the cars and roared off in convoy with Police outriders to the Liverpool Maritime Museum (yawn) and then Liverpool Airport (ooops John Lennon International Airport) ... no doubt as Air Force II bore here off to sunny Washington she was quietly cursing the umpteenth time she heard JL's "Imagine" and it's much repated refrain "Give peace a chance".
All in all we can rejoice that her trip was such a fuck up, shunned from a photo op at the mosque by the Muslim community ... having to look at the aircraft museum with the "instant antique" Typhoon fighter (?) plane 18 years in the making ... a pesky child at Pleckgate school (even after her slippy back entrance manouevres with Jacky) singing "Give Peace a Chance endlessly"... she missed the footie with Blackburn game moved to Monday by Sky TV .... a silent audience who sat on their hands at the Chatham House speech ... that black woman insulting her at ther Phil ... more crowds yelling abuse..."War criminal" ... Jim Naughtie giving her a mildly hard time on Today's TODAY program (not what the BBC had promised). ... and then 4,000 people at a zillion decibels, hurling abuse and telling her to Fuck off back to the USA - in the midle of Blackburn Jack's own patch!!!! (Where were his supporters ?) . ... plus almost endless rain, clouds and that sweaty Kack following her like a bloody lapdog everywhere agreeing with everything she said.
Oh! by the way today it was a smart 2 piece tailored charcoal grey suit, although I haven't checked that with the BBC Fashionistas yet.
Probably most disappointed were the shoe stalls on Blackburn Market who missed the chance to sell her a nice comfy pair of slippers, or some good walking shoes.
Even worse than the cobblers and tripe scutchers, must be Jacky, poor lad, dreams of No 10 shattered, what a sad fuck he must feel ... imagine him fondling his silk Blackburn No 10 shirt he managed to snaffle, alone with a bottle of Chivas Regal ... what's this, a loaded Revolver and a handwritten note .... "WE will miss you...Tony".
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