Fake Sheikh ? Rupe rattled, Heads to roll .... ?
High Court judge Mr Justice Mitting has refused the injunction raised by Rupes Rag NOW on MP George Galloway publishing photographs of Mazher Mahmood claiming Mr Mahmood's arguments would be more likely than not to fail at a full trial. (Pic GG on ITV Big Brother)
Such an injunction had had only been granted three times, in the "exceptional" cases of James Bulger's killers Jon Venables and Robert Thompson, child killer Mary Bell and Maxine Carr, ex-girlfriend of Soham murderer Ian Huntley.
Mr Galloway claims that he decided to expose Mr Mahmood after the journalist's covert attempt to trick him into discreditable conduct during a dinner at the Dorchester Hotel last week.
He said that he was satisfied that the true purpose of his application was not protection of his life but of his earning capacity and his position as an investigative journalist for the newspaper. After further legal argument the judge agreed to extend an injunction until 4pm on Thursday 6th April pending moves by the NOW to the Court of Appeal.Costs were awarded to GG and his blue blood Royal briefs Farrar & Co whose Client Queen Elizabeth received (claims GG on BBC PM program) to have received a copy of the photograph at her breakfast tale of the "Fake Sheikh - one hopes that one could still wrestle the top of the Tupperware box to get at the All Bran. George drove off from court waving a lit, fat big cigar in a large black chauffeur driven limousine to the roars of the poor and the opressed lawyers trousering fat paychecks. Here's a picture of a fat lawyer Charlie (Goering) Falconer of that Ilk, ex flatmate of Tony.... another fucking champagne socialist.
Rupe has deep pockets but does he want to waste his money on this farrago?
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