PKK - the wolf in the room... N. Iraq in revolt ?
The Turkish armed forces have launched their first military operation along the Iraqi border . Special force "Burgundy Berets" have been operating in cross border reconnaissance missions. Heavy construction equipment is also being brought to the border for use during a possible cross-border operation. (Map of Kurdish diaspora)
The Aksam newspaper reported last Friday that a further 10,000 Turkish soldiers have been sent to the border region, bringing the total number of troops in the area up to VOA says 200,000. and the New Anatolian) Of course these troops do not only guard the border but increase the repression of the area and the smouldering fires of it's strong Muslim anti-government population.
Fifteen soldiers, four police officers and more than 40 Kurdish militants have been killed in south-eastern Turkey in recent months. And eight bombings in the past three months have left two dead and 4. Unease rose when funerals for insurgents in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir led to anti-government demonstrations. Security forces responded, killing three civilians.
The Northern Iraqi cities of Amedi and Zaho (Zakho), have been the targets of with mortar attacks in “Operation Crescent.” by Turkish armed forces who have been concentrating on the border. They claim that they are trying to root out those sheltering Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) militants as the government in Ankara is worried about a Kurdish Palestinian style intifada. Despite request the US forces have little time or resource to divert to the problems of the Turks , who did not of course become involved in the "Coalition of the Willing" or the 2003 invasion and occupation.
With the PKKK and Turkish clashes increasing Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is also stepping up internal repression of PKK supporters. Last Tuesday, AP reported Turkish security forces raided the offices of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party. Some 50 party members, including five provincial leaders and nine local leaders, were detained. Prime Minister Erdogan had previously urged members of the Democratic Society Party to denounce PKK violence which they refused to do. The PKK is a terrorist group a definition endorsed by Turkey, Washington and the EU.
On a 2 day visit to see Erdogan and Foreign Minister Abdullag Gah , Iranian National Security Adviser and Nuclear Negotiator, Ali Larijani, said on the Turkish NTV channel May 8th, that the US authorities have been carrying out talks with PKK officials in the Northern Iraq.... who the US designate as terrorists."Yes, I do have detailed information. And I have sent this on to Turkish officials. The meeting between US and PKK forces took place a month ago, and was on the level of military commanders." .. Laranjani will go next to Greece. Of course he has another agenda but is happy to make snide remarks about the US meeting the PKK.
However tempting cross border activity by Turkey may be, it would be politically hugely sensitive and Turkey will not want to put its relations to Washington and to the European Union at risk by staging a large offensive in Iraq. A major problem is that to obtain parliamentary seats the Kurds require at least 10% of the vote nationally (it is just over 6%). THis curious Turkish brake on democracy is queried by the European Union in discussions regarding Ankara's possible membership. Turkey has said that it will "restudy" the 10 percent parliamentary threshold, perhaps lowering it to allow direct representation by smaller parties.
Hansjorg Kretschmer, head of the delegation of the European Commission, attending the opening of the ''Potable Water Project'' in the SE city of Sanliurfa on Friday 6th May condemned the recent attack by PKK in the eastern city of Hakkari in which 21 people were injured. A remote-control bomb exploded,near a military vehicle protecting a school bus, it injured 21 people including 11 children and 8 soldiers. The school bus was carrying soldiers' children from their school to their homes. The injured children were playing in a nearby park. None of the children in the bus were harmed.
Replying to questions of journalists about the bomb attack in Hakkari, Kretschmer said that such an attack could not justified.
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has recently said that neighboring countries should not meddle in Iraq's affairs -- a statement thought to refer to Turkey. A member of Talabani's close circle, and a leader of the Suleymaniye region's Iraqi Kurdistand Patriotic Union, Imed Ahmet, on Friday warned PKK members in the area, "Do not attack our neighbors, Turkey and Iran, from our soil." .... "If you want to stay on our lands, you are required to follow our laws."
Kurdish militias (Peshmergas) under the leadership of Massoud Barzani have tightened security measures along the Northern Iraqi border.
There has also been increased military activity on the Iranian border although border crossings are reported to be operating quite normally.Many observers say the U.S. - led coalition in Iraq, which has enjoyed relative calm in the Kurdish-dominated north, could end up this summer in a new field of conflict if Turkey's effort to quell the P.K.K. insurgency spills across its borders.The reality of the situation in the area is that the PKK is not only holding Turkey, but also the Northern Iraqi administration under pressure. (PKK flag)
The presence of the PKK in Iraq and it's increasing military activity and recruitment , especially from Iran, is as forecast in 2003 a threat to Iraq's inner stability. Kirkuk will eventually rise in the arise on the national agenda, it will become clear that the PKK is a threat not to just Turkey and Iran, but to Baghdad also. Cemil Bayik, speaking for the PKK on Saturday 6th May, said that if and when the Arabs fight the Kurds for Kirkuk, the PKK will be on the side of the Iraqi Kurds.
This highlights, for Kurds in N. Iraq, the PKK are essential. So, while Iraq searches for a solution to the questions surrounding Kirkuk, PKK the first to mention the word "war" in over Kirkuk threatens Baghdad with (another) civil war.
It also highlights the problems for the "Coalition of the Willing" as Turkmen and Arabs continually are being "ethnically cleansed" in Kirkuk / Mosul.
Even before the invasion, during the years of Operation Provide Comfort (1996-2002), the Turks were conducting massive military operations in Northern Iraq:
"The Turkish army engaged in multiple and massive campaigns in Iraq against the PKK, with the active support of the PDK. Tens of thousands of Turkish troops pushed more than 10 km into Iraqi territory in the pursuit of the PKK...
The Turkish plan to build a "security perimeter" along Iraq's northern border has acquired the "understanding" of Washington. Only the fierce opposion of Arab states and Iran has prevented it. The military alliance between Israel and Turkey, reinforced by Washington, is a major source of concern for Arab leaders and Iran. [The situation in Kurdistan] is the tangible manifestation of regional rearrangement guided by the Americans of which the Arabs feel they are the primary victims."
Luizard, The Iraqi Question, (Fayard 2004)pp 229-230.
The Iranians were shelling Northern Iraq in pursuit of the PKK only last week.
Not just Turkey.
I wrote this in March 2003 before the Invasion
"Over the vast area that is Kurdistan, with its insurgent armed bodies, overlaying Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and even parts of Syria, there will be a realignment of political and military forces that are as yet unpredictable. As part of the effort to generate an Iraqi opposition, the US has permitted Northern Iraqi Kurdistan to exercise a strong element of national political autonomy since the 1991 war. This is a double-edged sword for the US in its current war preparations, especially in view of the Bush gang's predisposition for pissing all over its closest allies."
It seems my crystal balls were working that day.
I must read the Luizard book, will you translate it for me ? I am dreadful monoglot.
No explanation of the FL location, getting closer to Jeb maybe ?
I am in Fla because my family is here and I have finished my studies. Need an IT professional with no experience but lotsa booklearning? I would love to translate Luizard's book but it would have to be for $$, sadly, until the coffers are replenished.
I join you in the US of A next week in one of the fly over States to see my grand daughter who is going to teach me to swim underwater.
My days of employing IT people are (sadly) over, I will mention you to some folks I know.
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