"“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried.” "

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 12th March 2009

""We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system."

Timothy Geithner US Secretary of the Treasury, previously President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1/3/2009

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

7/7 Met AC asshole Brown claims response "First class"

Poor communications, a lack of basic medical supplies ....Police, fire brigades and paramedics unable to talk to each other because there was no shared radio network - although recommended 18 years ago by the inquiry into the King's Cross fire disaster.

Ben Thwaites, victim of the Edgware Road blast, said it took up to an hour before paramedics got to the injured because they had to wait for their equipment to arrive.

He added:

"The people who helped - the medics and the police, everyone - did a fantastic job, but I fear that they did it despite the process, rather than because of it. There didn't seem to be a coherent plan in place and there certainly didn't seem to be communications."

However, assistant commissioner Alan Brown of Scotland Yard, who was in charge of co-ordinating the emergency response, said that, whatever the shortcomings, "the response was first class".

He added: "Individuals showed such acts of courage, determination - not only from the emergency services and London Underground but members of the public. This was London coming together."

Same old, same old fucking story ... total fuck up and the Met claim they were fucking heroes.... but no says Tony we won't have an enquiry .. perish the thought... show the Mat foir a bunch of stumblebums terrorists shooting on sight ?

Alan Brown joined the Metropolitan Police in 1974, has served in Territorial Policing, Specialist Operations and also the Specialist Crime Directorate. His career has been mainly within CID, he was also OCU Commander at Kensington and Chelsea. Following appointment as commander, he has had responsibility for the MPS response to Gun Crime and within that remit Operation Trident and the Serious & Organised Crime Group.

Holding the Gun Crime portfolio he has been instrumental in changing work practices which have led to reductions in offending, particularly in relation to commercial robbery, and an increased murder clear-up rate achieved by Operation Trident.

He is Chair of the National Firearms Forensic Intelligence Database Working Group and has influenced changes in government policy in relation to the possession of firearms and imitation firearms.

His career within specialist investigations has involved him in a number of high profile investigations, most notable of these being the attempted robbery of the Millennium diamond from the Dome.

He is regarded as the national expert on the investigation of ‘Crime in Action’ (Kidnap) and leads for ACPO on hostage negotiation.

When appointed 11th June 2003 in Met Police Authority Chair Toby Harris, who led the promotion panel, said:

“Playing a major role policing the capital is a challenge that exacts the highest degree of professionalism and expertise from all serving officers and I know that the candidates ... blah blah ... first class response .. fucking lousy result."

Interestingly in the Observer report May 19th Assistant Commissioner Alan Brown, who was co-ordinating work by several Yard departments on the shooting, (he chaired 4 "Gold" meetings as chairman during the day of Menezes shooting) met Deputy Assistant Commissioner Alan Given,(who retired in March 2006) one of the officers in command of the Met's firearms unit,shortly before he went home at 11pm on the Friday... and neither of them knew they had shot

The wrong man
An inoccent man
An unarmed, unexplodable man

another "first class result" no doubt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for Ian Blair to come out and explain what's been going on. He always gives it to you straight

(C) Very Seriously Disorganised Criminals 2002/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 - copy anything you wish