"“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried.” "

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 12th March 2009

""We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system."

Timothy Geithner US Secretary of the Treasury, previously President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1/3/2009

Monday, August 07, 2006

Danger ! Worm turning.

It is difficult to feel sorry for Jack Straw. I don't. His obdurate and unyielding belief in the illegal invasion of Iraq is something for which he cannot and will never be forgiven . However we are now told by Simon Walters (Mail on Sunday 6th August 2006)
that the Bush Administration feared Mr Straw was in the pocket of Muslims in his Blackburn constituency. Which is true. They had him sacked.

Jack's alter ego, the shadow in the arras, Lord Patel of Blackburn (no relation) , said on Saturday: "I was very surprised when Jack was removed as Foreign Secretary and it is possible the Americans had something to do with it because of his views on things like Iran."

"Bush and Blair see nothing wrong in supplying Israel with weapons to attack Lebanon and yet they call on Iran and Syria to stop supplying weapons to Hezbollah. They are guilty of double standards." Right on Lord Patel.

Of course Jack did show a streak of independence as Foreign Secretary when he upset the White House by saying that threats to bomb Iran to stop it acquiring nuclear weapons - were 'nuts'.

The Mail now tells us that, that is exactly what they are planning.... and so did Harlan Ullman, father of "Shock and Awe" told us that on the BBC World Service this morning.

Last week "Honest" Jack week condemned Israel's carpet bombing of Lebanon as 'disproportionate' , a remark that was made after a meeting with Muslim leaders in Blackburn, a fact which did not go unnoticed by US diplomats.

A US source (?) told The Mail on Sunday: "Mr Straw's views did not find favour in the White House and its concerns were passed on to the British Government."

Four weeks after Condi's vist to the North West, (which the Mail says was master minded by Blair and not Straw), he was mysteriously and peremptorily fired.

American economist Irwin Stelzer, Rupe's rags go between to Blair says "The Bush team worried about the problems a British Foreign Minister faced when he depended for office on an electorate with a heavy Muslim component - something Rice noticed on her visit,"

You bet she noticed. I was there. I saw the total lack of support for Jack and his moll, and indeed the fierce, unrelenting, offensive reception . Everywhere. Do not believe that this was solely from the Asian electorate.

This much is true. If Jack turned up in Blackburn with Mrs Margaret Beckett (with or without her husband and caravan) they would get the rasberry as well.

Jack is not stupid. His supporters are not stupid. By being distanced from the insane policies of this Government , the slavish acceptance of US foreign policy, the indefensible role of the UK in supplying weapons of WMD to Israel , the passive support for Israel whilst they are sinking Lebanon , the confused and insane vision of islamo-fascist jihad - he makes a pitch for Tony's job that much more credible.

The worm has turned.

Pic. Jenson Button wins 1st Grand Prix !


FaulknA said...

You've got to remember, we Americans don't take none of the back talk when it comes to our wars. Your either for us or your against us. We don't allow opposing views over here and we damn well don't allow them over there. Speaking of over there, when do I get to sew another star on my flag for our 51'st state, better known as the UK?

Anonymous said...

Ha, so I am not the only one who thinks Jack Straw thinks he is is a contender...

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