Top Civil Servant knew Dr David Kelly was murdered
Two blogs worth a peek ........
Dr David Kelly by Rowena Thursby.
How senior British diplomat David Broucher described a meeting with Dr. David Kelly on 27th February 2003 in Geneva to the Hutton Inquiry which never took place.
A (fantasy) meeting at which Dr. David Kelly is supposed to have predicted his suicide to David Broucher with the words ...‘I will probably be found dead in the woods' ..... read more ...
The Guradian at the time reported that Broucher's appearance was a bit like the Sorcerers Apprentice ...
"Towards the end of Lord Hutton's inquiry yesterday, Mr Broucher, British ambassador to the disarmament conference in Geneva, made a surprise appearance.He said he had sent an email to Patrick Lamb, (pic) Kelly's boss at the Foreign Office, on August 5, ( he testified on the 21st August) recalling a chance conversation with Dr Kelly at disarmament talks in February, in which he set out his concerns. Lamb also gave evidence.
Broucher told the Hutton enquiry he only met Dr Kelly once, if so, it was on 18th February 2002 when Dr Kelly recorded this in his diary (which she found in his house) as detailed by his sister Sarah Pape, at the Hutton enquiry.
Section 97 line numbers -
11 Q. It is FAM/1/1. If we look at the entry for February,
12 what does it tell us?
13 A. It mentions specifically a meeting with David Broucher
14 on 18th February 2002,
Further diary entries confirmed his arrival and departure flights from Geneva. So Broucher could not possibly have discussed (as he claims) ..
1. Resolution 1441 which was not passed until 8 October 2002 . So it was not, as counsel Dingemans said, in force at the time,
2. ‘The September (Dodgy) dossier’ was not even at the draft stage in February 2002, and was not published until the September of that year,
3/ ‘the 45 minutes’ with all the problems it incurred, did not exist in February 2002 - it was not introduced until August of that year.
This discrepancy was reported on at the time .. Daily Telegraph 2/9/2003
How very odd .... a (very senior) civil servant with a faulty memory. There are however, very many odd things about the death of Dr. Kelly. Go to the wesbite and sign up.
Kim Jong Il vs George W. Bush: A Dumb and Dumber Leader Quiz - remarkable parallels in the Lives of the Great Dictators by Tumerica in the form of a quiz - amazing factoid about the "size" of these men's fathers. Nudge, nudge , know whaddi mean ?
also Foley Folly Fallout II: "If I was one of those sickos who did this, I'd be nervous" ....Let's EX-FOLEY-ATE the House and the Congress. Vote anti-Republican this November!
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