"“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried.” "

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 12th March 2009

""We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system."

Timothy Geithner US Secretary of the Treasury, previously President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1/3/2009

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ruth Kelly is a fucking Hypocrite

Ruth Kelly MP for West Bolton and the absurdly titled Communities and Local Government Secretary, and her husband , archaeologist Derek Gadd (married 1996) bought a nice four-bedroom detached house, which had been built on a greenfield site in Horwich. In January 2001 they paid £109,000 after obtaining a mortgage for £101,148 - probable market value today approaching £180,000.

As any MP can, under the tax-free Additional Costs Allowance scheme, (on top of her Cabinet Ministers salary of £135,000) she claimed for ;

Mortgage payments
Council Tax
Energy costs
Furniture, security, repairs, decoration

Her claims have totalled £72,000 over 4 years and at this rate will exceed the £109.000 purchase price some time this year - the ZERO COST HOUSE. Which some people - journalists on the Mail on Sunday and Sunday Times (£42,000 'lost in black hole of Kelly allowances') for example consider rather excessive. Greg Hands, Tory MP for Hammersmith and Fulham, said: “There should be a full investigation into this apparent black hole - which he estimated at £44,000"

The Kelly menage which includes a nanny for the 4 children - Eamonn who arrived 11 days after the 1997 General Election, Sinead in 1998, Roisin in 2000 and Niamh in 2003 live in the Borough of Tower Hamlets.... although this didn't prevent her successfully objecting to the building of 1,700 new homes near her own infrequently used pad in Horwich - after which she urged local residents to "savour this sweet victory over the developers" . Not forgetting how this devout Christian and member of Opus Dei supported opposition in March 2005 to plans to build a new Islamic College with accommodation for 200 boarding studentson a greenfield site in Westhoughton.

The residents of Bolton however were incensed when she took up her current position from the remnants of John Prescott's office when she told Today listeners on Radio 4 in May this year that the drive to build more social and low-cost housing would be one of her priorities.

"We need to put a greater emphasis on increasing housing supply in future,"

"That may mean, for example, changing the planning regulations to make sure that more housing comes forward.

"It also means changing the social culture in this country where too often the case has been that people have been protective of their own space and not wanted to see more affordable housing being built. That is something we really have to root out."
Bolton residents could point out what a hypocritical bitch this freebooter and carpetbagger was and her history of opposing local housing developments ...which Bolton Conservative councillor John Walsh listed for the Bolton Evening News on Friday 12th May 2006.

She started in March, 1998, objecting to plans to sell off land earmarked for car parking at Lostock railway station.

June, 1999, Ms Kelly labelled the abandonment of a 1,100-home estate in Westhoughton "a victory for people power".

April, 2000, she praised campaigners after developers planning a 600-home estate at Bowlands Hey, Westhoughton, pulled out of a public inquiry.

February, 2003, Ms Kelly helped to fight a plan to build homes on a hospital site in Horwich.

November, 2004, Ms Kelly backed constituents opposing new homes at a former aerospace plant at Leigh Road, Westhoughton.

April, 2000, she praised campaigners after developers planning a 600-home estate at Bowlands Hey, Westhoughton, pulled out of a public inquiry.

February, 2003, Ms Kelly helped to fight a plan to build homes on a hospital site in Horwich.

July, 2003, residents applauded her help in the "Battle of Markland Hill", which ended when planning inspectors rejected proposals for a five-storey block of flats and two houses in a conservation area.

April, 2004, she supported residents opposing plans for 30 new flats at the same site. The scheme was rejected on grounds that it would have been over-development.

When criticised earlier this year by Caroline Spelman the shadow local government secretary, of " breathtaking hypocrisy" , a spokesman for the beautiful, pouting, deeply sincere Christian, Ms Kelly said ...
" that it was perfectly reasonable for the minister to criticise Nimbies while objecting to developments in her own constituency."

Educationally challenged and so sent away to boarding school at Westminster (£25,000 out of taxed income and breakfast in the 15 Century Abbot's Dining Room) The nascent Treasury camp follower, sometime Minister for Education / Communities must have somehow packed in overtime on lessons with the Jesuits in sophistry or a passing rabbi for lessons in Talmudic scholarship.

As Miister she went to look at Zero Emission Houses (pic from Torygraph) - she beats us all with her ZERO COST HOUSE

We won't even talk about Education ...... or perhaps we should remember when as New Labour Minister for Education , she introduced the School Meals Trust and said New Labour would provide more funding (£220 Mn was mentioned)for dinner ladies, school kitchens, introduce national minimum nutritional standards for school food. Who said after 8 years of New Labour ....
" We will ensure extra resources are available to build new school kitchens and renew existing ones so that healthy, fresh, food can be prepared rather than cooked and chilled and then re-heated"

Where does that quote come from... why theLabourParty Website Monday 21 March 2005 Ruth Kelly Minister for Education "Labour on the side of parents - Kelly" ... er and Jamie Oliver it seems.

Don't bother Googling or Yahooing "School Meals Trust" .. er... it doesn't have a website ...er .. it doesn't exist.


Anonymous said...

I live your site. Its a great resource for tearing a strip or two off the powers that be and I hope you dont mind me copying bits off it to write to my MP?

Its great, he just doesnt know if he is coming or going and often just choses to ignore me!!!

ziz said...

Lord Patel says you can use anything you want - taking pot shots at this lot is not difficult.

The important thing is to get the Truth out there.

(C) Very Seriously Disorganised Criminals 2002/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 - copy anything you wish