Military studies in the Jihad against the Tyrants - get your copy and join Kalid Khaliq in the slammer
Khalid Khaliq, 34 from Beeston, Leeds, who has been in custody for over a week and was charged late on Sunday and will appear today at City of Westminster Magistrates, central London, charged under the Terrorism Act 2000with possessing "a document or record namely the al-Qaeda training manual containing information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism".
Well Lord Patel has a copy as well, see title page here - and you can get your own copy in translation from here as an html file - it is also available on many websites as document in Arabic. It was produced in evidence during a Federal trial of four men accused of involvement in the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
The Arabic Script on the title page reads Military studies in the Jihad against the Tyrants How valuable this manual is to the Jihadist you may judge by examining what it has to say on Explosives by clicking here
Toni Fabuloso has a copy of Moriaty's Police Law (which is a bit out of date and has been replaced by Butterworth's Police Law, - but she isn't a WPC.
As you can see she doesn't fit the uniform. (Click to enlarge)
UPDATE : Kaled Khaliq has been released on bail - leaving TERROR to stalk the streets of Britain !! (believed to be a Tupperware salesman - pretending to be a policeman)
This quote provides an interesting insight into the uses the US Authorities claim for the above document .
On Sunday12 March 2006 Andrew Marr BBC TV interviewed Colleen Graffy, US State Department
COLLEEN GRAFFY: Yes. So why not go down, meet with the doctors, with the guards, with the interrogators, and still put in the report but we would have liked to have spoken with the detainees. But frankly what would we have learned from that? If the detainee said we're being tortured, you'd say well there's OK there's the Al Queda manual, chapter 18 that the British police discovered in Manchester saying if you're detained claim you were tortured. Or if they're not told they're tortured then they'll say well you detainees were specially chosen.
A civilian member of the Metropolitan Police Service staff was charged last week with 'misconduct and breaching the Official Secrets Act' for disclosing information to a Sunday Times reporter, concerning alleged al-Qaeda planned attacks on the UK.
The offences relate to a story published on April 22nd 2007 in the Sunday Times: Al-Qaeda ‘planning big British attack’, by Dipesh Gadher .
The article includes the following:
Another plot could be timed to coincide with Tony Blair stepping down as prime minister, an event described by Al-Qaeda planners as a “change in the head of the company”.
The 'plot' of the arrest of Hasina Patel & 3 other family members did indeed occur just as 'the head of the company' announced his leaving.
Did concientious Mr. Thomas Lund-Lack spill too many other beans?
It is worth quoting Duncan Campbell from his original article of the Guardian on April 14, 2005 entitled 'The ricin ring that never was'
The most ironic twist was an attempt to introduce an "al-Qaida manual" into the case. The manual - called the Manual of the Afghan Jihad - had been found on a raid in Manchester in 2000. It was given to the FBI to produce in the 2001 New York trial for the first attack on the World Trade Centre. But it wasn't an al-Qaida manual. The name was invented by the US department of justice in 2001, and the contents were rushed on to the net to aid a presentation to the Senate by the then attorney general, John Ashcroft, supporting the US Patriot Act.
Oh & SkyNews is reporting that the 'terrist' Khalid Khaliq is out on bail..........
Erm, as Al Qaeda is really Al CIA-duh, then this notorious Manual for Jihad must also have been published by Al Whatsisname.
I know the plods are dim but you'd think they'd know that, wouldn't you?
All the result of dumbing down, eh?
KK, Chimes of Freedom,
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