"“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried.” "

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 12th March 2009

""We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system."

Timothy Geithner US Secretary of the Treasury, previously President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1/3/2009

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Wolfowitz the Incontinent

Wayne Madsen retails a thoroughly scatalogical story that could only appeal to the likes of Mark Oaten, about World Bank robber "Clyde" Wolfowitz. Rep. Walter Jones NC. suggests he should be offered the job of Mayor of Baghdad and Wayne suggests a cautious approval tinged with an eye witness anecdote of a previous visit that the war criminal had to that ocean of tranquility.

Insurgents launched a successful rocket attack (BBC) on the 18 story Rashid Hotel , near Saddam's Zoo, and his magnificent Palace, on October 26, 2003 (were they called insurgents way back then ?) when the disgraced banker was on a 3 day visit, but was a mere US Deputy Defence Secretary.

To celebrate the start of Ramadan 8 rockets were fired at this most heavily guarded residence from a trailer containing a rocket launcher, disguised as a generator, (pic) about 400 metres (1,312 feet) from the hotel. Setting off a timing device they fled leaving the rockets to launch at the hotel a few minutes later. A U.S. Army Colonel was killed in the 6:10 am attack and 15 other people were injured, including 11 Americans and one Briton.

The dispenser of Democracy was getting ready in his 12 th floor room for breakfast and had apparently not finished girding his loins or completed his..er ..toilet when the rockets hit the 11th floor...

A British journalist contacted Wayne to tell him that he witnessed the lupine neo-con , "shaken and in tears, running through the hotel lobby in his underpants with a blanket thrown over his head. The journalist also clearly saw that the seat of Wolfowitz's underpants were soiled with a very visible stain."

Bemerded pants and combing spit through his hair .... an indelible image.

As Shaha Reza was at the time on secondment from the World Bank helping the Coalition in Baghdad one wonders exactly what her sleeping arrangements were at the time .... no no ...that way madness lies.

She was of course working with Liz Cheney - Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs - on some outfit said to represent the United States government in the Middle East, not too well qualified but hey—she's Vice President Cheney's daughter, and that hepls getting 6 figure salaried high ranking official despite no regional experience, no Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, or other locally relevant language, and no relevant education - which is why Shaha was brought in - because she may be Wolfie's ex - mistress but she is by all accounts a smart cookie... but not THAT smart of she share's that cunt's bed.

Liz of course did very little and her role was to help
David Denehy, a longtime democracy specialist at the International Republican Institute, to spend the department of State's money fomenting trouble amongst rich Iranian expats in San Francisco and the Iranian American diaspora and its satellite media outlets, which are beamed into Tehran from Dubai - a (sore) point of discussion when I'm in a Dinner Jacket was there 2 weeks ago.

It is of interest to note that David Denehey went to Iraq to work for Paul "call me Jerry" Bremer as the deputy director of the CPA’s Office of Democracy and Governance and would have crossed paths with Wolfie and his mistress at the time of the hotel bombing. He must have a made a huge influence on Paul "call me Jerry" Bremner because his name and office appear nowhere in his book "My Year in Iraq".

As much as $50 million of the funds went to the Voice of America for Persian-language broadcasts. The State Department has also sent 15 foreign service officers to countries neighboring Iran and to capitals with large Iranian exile populations to serve as "Iran watchers."

At the Pentagon, the new Iranian directorate was been set up inside its policy shop, which previously housed the Office of Special Plans or the infamous "stovepipe".(Laura Rozen LA Times May 19th 2006)

Liz Cheney left some time last year to have her next baby and the joy of nappies for the fifth time - maybe Shaha Riza could pass on a few hints about cowards who shit their pants.

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