"“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried.” "

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 12th March 2009

""We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system."

Timothy Geithner US Secretary of the Treasury, previously President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1/3/2009

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Louise Ellman, Liverpool Jewish MP is "outraged" by visit to city by Ibrahim Mousawi

Ibrahim Mousawi is scheduled to visit Princes Park Methodist church, Toxteth, at 7.00 tonight , in the Stop the War roadshow - incorrectly described today by the Liverpool Post today , "to talk about the Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon."

The Jewish member for Liverpool Riverside Louise, Ellman MP is upset ("outraged")and is quoted in the Post ..."“I am appalled he has been allowed into the country, and I am shocked that he has been invited to Liverpool, a city with a proud history of excellent community relations,”

“This is a terrorist leader who fosters division and hate. He represents the exact opposite of what is needed to bring peace and reconciliation in Lebanon and the Middle East.”

She said: “The Government has the power to deny entry to the UK to people whose presence is not conducive to public good."

The Post also quoted Mr Mousawi , who said his intentions had been misrepresented.

He said: “I am not divisive and I do not preach hate. I understand that Muslims and Jews have lived together for a long time in your city.

“In Liverpool my message will be the same I say everywhere I go - that is that people have the right to live in peace and without fear of their homes being invaded. We must all denounce war and we must all fight together to stop the killing”

The beautiful brunette, Louise Ellman made a contribution to the debate on Wednesday February 27th in the House of Commons when the Palestinian territories were discussed , "To save people's lives, it is essential that everybody recognises that the only valid way forward is a negotiated peace on the basis of two states." It seems a curious atttitude to welcome debate and wish for a negotiated peace and simultaneously demand the exclusion of representatives to explain their case to the British Public.

Louise Ellman MP knows of course that the "official" line to follow, is a willingness to deal with Bill Clinton's protege Muhammad Dahlan محمد دحلان AKA Abu Fadi , the tool, with Abu Maza AKA Mahmoud Abbas محمود عباس‎ of the plot cooked up by Rice / Bush and Elliott Abrams to smash the democratically elected government of Hamas.

An attitude and mindset we have got used to accept from mouthpieces for Israel who were reminded in the same debate by the Labour MP for Islington's down trodden middle classes, Jeremy Corbyn " Israel ... is the world’s fourth largest arms exporter; it is in possession of 200 nuclear warheads; it is quite capable of taking part in—and frequently does take part in—military attacks on Palestinian places; and, tragic as every death is, including those of Israelis who die in rocket attacks, the death rate is far higher for Palestinians than for Israelis. This is not a struggle of equals, but a war of occupation by Israel of the Palestinian territories." He forgot to mention the support they receive from the world's greatest Democracy - Home of the Free and the Land of the Brave.

Wouldn't it be a welcome move for Louise Ellman to go to Toxteth tonight , and have a chat with Ibrahim Mousawi ? If she did, she might learn a great deal - she is a bright and intelligent lady.

Meanwhile the death toll in Gaza rises. "We are not prepared to show any tolerance, period. And we will respond. Our reaction is not limited to a specific operation or day," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told a meeting of his Kadima party in Jerusalem on Monday. AFP

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