Baron Ashcroft and a scam in Belize which is nothing to do with him or his Bank or any of his businesses
The tax haven of Belize in Central America was the brain child of (the now Baron Ashcroft of Belize) Mr Ashcroft had arrived in the small former British colony (Pop. 280,00) at the beginning of the 1990s.
He moved many of his business interests there and bought control of the largest local bank, the Belize Bank, and encouraged local politicians to pass laws between 1990 and 1992 which set up flags of convenience, and secretive offshore "international business companies" and trusts, in return for paying annual registration fees to the government.
Lord Ashcroft the Treasurer of the Conservative Party , has, as a side-effect, encouraged fraud, money laundering, drugs and bribery in a small, poverty-stricken jungle state with corruptible (and corrupted) officials.
The noble Baron's donations to the Conservatives are running at hundreds of thousands of pounds a year - the records of the Electoral Commission show that during the 12 months to last June, the peer donated £209,136 through one of the companies which he controls, Bearwood Corporate Services. He has also made loans to the party of up to £3.6m and provides free flights for the party leader, David Cameron, and other senior Tories via his company Flying Lion worth £19,819.
The noble Baron also bankrolls many local marginal seats and also the political rag edited by Ian Dale (and boosted by the lothasome Andrew McKinley MP who helped expose Dr David Kelly before he was murdered) called "Total Politics"(AKA "Total Bollocks") to the tune of £500,000 this year alone.This of course is nothing (at all) to do with a dreadful scam being operated from Belize.
Householders are receiving a card bearing the legend "Parcel Delivery Services" claiming a parcel could nto be delivered and if you ring this number they will arrange to deliver it at a sutiabledate and time.
The call is to Belize and connection costs and the recorded message keeps you hanging on at a further £1.50 a minute up to £6.00 .....
A scam that is cleverly designed to work at a time when the world and his wife are delighted to receive unsolicited parcels... this first appeared in 2005 operated by Studio Telecom (based in Belize), and has been resurrected according to Phone PayPlus and they have received complaints from SE London.
This disreputable scam has absolutely nothing to do with Baron Ashcroft. Nothing at all.
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