Ed Miliband mobilises youthful protestors in mass Stansted airport protest
"Political change comes from leadership and popular mobilisation. You need both of them." Ed Miliband Energy Minister Guradian 8/12/2008
Chaos and large scale disruption to civilian flights in and out of the UK is promised today . A 50 strong force of Plane Stupid (Bringing the aviation industry back to Earth)protestors objecting to the plans to increase passenger numbers from 25 million to 35 million a year and flights leaving the airport from 241,000 to 264,000 a year.Beautifully timed to coincide with the UN talks in Poznan, Poland, on the likely shape of a global deal to succeed the Kyoto protocol the authorities and Plod couid not possible have foreseen such action being taken.
With 100 flights due by dinnertime some 50 odd protestors breached the perimeter fence by slicing through the perimeter chain link fence with bolt cutters, carried builders portable fencing airside and erected a zareba around themselves on a taxi way 50 metres off the main runway.
This has evidently been co-ordinated by the less glamorous Miliband who writes in the Guradian today People power vital to climate deal
The 9th Nu Labour Energy Secretary (and Climate Change) Rt. Hon. Ed Miliband (Nu Labour Doncaster N Corpus Christi, LSE) calls in the article for "popular mobilisation" to support politicians trying to pressure world leaders into a deal on climate change amid fears of economic repercussions.
"There will be some people saying 'we can't go ahead with an agreement on climate change, it's not the biggest priority'. And, therefore, what you need is countervailing forces. Some of those countervailing forces come from popular mobilisation."
He said there needed to be "a mass movement" along the lines of Make Poverty History.
"There will be some people saying 'We can't go ahead with an agreement on climate change, it's not the biggest priority'.
"Therefore you need countervailing forces. Some of those countervailing forces come from popular mobilisation," the new member of the Privy Council told the newspaper.
So far airport staff have tried to clear the closed areas with their human cargo with a snowplough.
UPDATE : BBC 4 News at 1300 GMT a ma, irate and Irish says Ryanair had to cancel 42 flightsthis am. Toni Fabuloso suggests they send their bill not to the BAA but The Ministry of Energy and Climate Change fro whom the protestors were taking their orders.
poor dears
they look like they're absolutely freezing
I'll believe these people are serious about climate change when they stop putting the kettle on as soon as they get home the womenfolk start using hand washable sanitary protection.
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