Algeria - UK passes the buck on swindler and terrists
All round welsh windbag and rentagob , Kim Howells, FO Minister for dealing with the awkward squad, has been arranging a visit by Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to London in the 9th of July. He will meet will meet the Queen and will hold discussions with the Prime Minister Tony Blair. He was also helping the Algerian Gvernment get their hands on the London based, high living swindler Abdelmoumen Rafik Khalifa.(see pic)
Algeria has been seeking extradition of the former head and founder of the eponymous Khalifa group for 2 years, who is charged in Algeria with fraud and money laundering, and who fled to London from France.
In less than 10 years Khalifa created a pharmaceuticals empire, bought some of Europe's most expensive property, started a bank (Khalifa in which millions disapperaed) , an airline and a luxury car rental service, and put his name on Olympique de Marseille's strip.
He mingled with the rich and famous, including Sting, Ricky Martin, Bono, Pamela Anderson, Melanie Griffith and former French Culture Minister Jack Lang.At one stage in the investighation into his dealings 61 year old Catherine Deneuve was asked whether she had received an appearance fee from Khalifa's empire of €40,000 (£32,000), handed over in cash in a toilet. She has also been accused by Khalifa's former right-hand man, Mohamed Chechaoui, of receiving €45,000 to attend a football match in Algiers.
GĂ©rard Depardieu, told police that he was paid €30,000 (£20,600) to attend a football match n February 2002 by Khalifa prior to it's collpase.
Allegations that he was involved with military staffs and money lauyndering frommthe country's oil riches are rejected ..most Algerian military chiefs have been quietly laundering the country's oil wealth for 40 years and they do not need a high-profile golden wonder play boy who makes the process public.
Seventeen other Algerians are currently being held or are under conditional release in Britain under suspicions of terrorism, awaiting expulsion. Under the agreement Howell has signed , Algeria stands to gain custody of its nationals now in U.K. custody and Britain can rid itself of Algerians it has labeled as security threats but is either unwilling or unable to prosecute. The memorandum is designed to address the fact that international law prevents the transfer of persons to countries where they are at risk of torture.
Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of Human Rights Watch’s Middle East and North Africa division said in March ... The British government should be encouraging Algeria to take positive action to eradicate torture, instead of looking for ways around the obligation not to return people at risk of torture. If there is real evidence that these suspects pose a threat they should be prosecuted in the British courts.
The agreement that Howell blithely signed probably resembles the so called memoranda of understanding (MOUs) that the U.K. has already reached with Jordan, Lebanon, and Libya. Under these memoranda, the receiving governments provide “diplomatic assurances” that they will not mistreat persons that the other country transfers to their territory.
They are not worth the paper they are written on ... a diplomatic nonsense that helps keep a few FO type asleep o'nights.
1 comment:
Bouteflika and his clan have masterfully redeemed and amnestied thousands of terrorists in Algeria. His government is now virtually all islamist save the few western trained technocrats who'd be jettisoned once the primary objectives of the regimes are reached : rapprochment with the west for technology acquisition and sophisticated new military weaponry.
The democratic opposition is openly hunted down by military police and by unlawful court rulings dictated by the President himself. Reelected with near to 85% in 2004, he is changing the constitution to seek a third mandate and regalian imperial powers. He is already ruling by decrees.
Algeria's future looks bleak. The meagre advances achieved since 1988 are receding fast. The rise of islamism by the pro-active assistance of the powerful conservative forces within the State assisted by the Arab League and the International Islamic maffia with the robust helping hand of France configures a dreadful tragedy in the making. Europe will not be spared this time. The islamist arrogance and appetite for larger swathes of territorial influence on the increase and Europe's meek resistance and double standard posture on the question of Human rights and divided stance towards American International policies comfort the Arab-islamists League of gangster states.
The western democracies media are also partly to blame for turning their back on genuine democratic movements in Africa and North Africa. The focus is exclusively on the middle east.
If Mugabe is an unsavoury character to shake hands with or welcome to Downing Street what can we say of President Bouteflika and his clan who've bled Algeria for decades and assassinated some of the most brilliant progressive patriots and leaders since 1958(prior to independence). Arabisation and islamisation policies led to a dramatic civil war that 200 000 lives and billions in destruction. Forcing a non-arab nation into forced assimilation arab-islamic ideology and culture is a genocidal crime against humanity. France , historically,has also to answer on that score.
Racism, bigotism and a general drift towards islamic fascism with an arabic expression is the consequence of Bouteflika's policies. The mana from the rocketting petrol and gas prices serve the intended projects of social and political domestication by economic attrition and heavy handed repression of democratic opponents.
I feel sorry for the Queen who would to shake hands with not so clean and gracious hands responsible for the slaughter of thousands of innocent and freedom and democracy aspiring courageous people. Not to mention , the bloodshed of recent years...
Amnestied islamic militia leaders are already promising the preeminence of their the secular and democratic forces the regime has isolated for repression.
DEMOCRACY IS MORE OF A THREAT THAN ISLAMISM say the ruling powers of the day.
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