Blair, Beckett - fucking hyprocrites. Paxo and the Urban Myth for the Tower and the mystery of the Missing Lynx
On 23 March a boarding team 7 Royal Marines and 8 sailors - in 2 boats embarked from corvette HMS CORNWALL to conduct the latest of 66 boardings in March and of 4 in this immediate area. The anchored Indian flagged vessel (name ?) had unloaded cars onto barges and their investigation was co-operative throughout- the on board survey started at 0739 local time and was completed at 0910 with the merchant vessel having been cleared to continue with her business.The Royal Navy state the vessel location was The position was 29 degrees 50.36 minutes North 048 degrees 43.08 minutes East.(slightly different from this MOD pic from the Missing Lynx taken later over the vehicle.
At 9.10 communications were lost and the Cornwall's Lynx helicopter immediately returned to the scene to locate the boarding team. The MOD statement of events does not explain why the Lynx which had accompanied the original boarding did not remain on station to give aerial cover - The Urban myth on Newsnight 28th March stated they returned to the Cornwall as fuel was low and they needed to re-fuel..
Debriefing of the helicopter crew and a conversation with the master of the merchant ship both indicate that the boarding team were ambushed while disembarking from the merchant vessel. Both boats were equipped with a GPS chart plotter.
Iranian Televsion have released a film which is a mixture of RN footage, and Iranian footage of the event and another film showing the kidnapped staff eating and a verbal statement by a WREN who was part of the boarding party - plus releasing a photo and text of a letter from her to her parents.
BBC filming crew, had the day prior to the kidnap filmed and interviewed sassy married mother of 3 year old, WREN, Leading Seaman Faye Turney about her life in the RN which had been widely broadcast by BBC and other YK TV channels and probably elsewhere.
Before the Iranians broadcast and released the video film of the capture a spokesman for Blair said .,"any showing of British personnel on TV would be a breach of the Geneva Conventions."
After the footage was aired, Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said: “I am very concerned about these pictures and any indication of pressure or coercion of our personnel who were carrying out a routine operation in accordance with international law and under a United Nations Resolution.
The Sun reports fun loving Defence Secretary Des Browne was also upset:
I am particularly disappointed that a private letter has been used in a way which can only add to the distress of the families.”"It’s completely unacceptable to parade our people in this way. My whole focus is to secure the immediate release of our people."
At the Morning press briefing today 29th March 2007 When asked for the Prime Minister's reaction to the TV pictures of the naval personnel last night, the PMOS replied ....
".... that nobody should be put in that position. It was an impossible position to be put in and it was wrong. It was wrong in terms of the usual conventions that cover this kind of situation, and it was wrong just in terms of basic humanity."
Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett (pic - or is that a really pissed off Tess who has lost her casinos - another of Tony's apparently unsackable female cabinet colleagues) made a statement in the house today which yuo can read at the FCO website. She didn't mention the Iranian TV films, she didn't say she was "concerned", she didn't say the films were "wrong" ... which is just as well because the BBC - most of which is a section staffed, funded and paid for by the Foreign Office have been repeatedly showing the films both on UK and worldwide on BBC World programs.On BBC Newsnight last night the UK benefited from a frame by frame analysis by the Urban myth, (Hon. Sec. The BBC2 Quizzical Raised Eyebrow Club Prop. J Paxman Esq.) who deconstructed the triumphal Iranian film, identified the RN clips (presumably seized from their video kit) .. and amazingly the fact that one soldier after being kidnapped retained his S-30 Assault Rifle - He also explained in painstaking detail (courtesy MOD) how the stationary Indian (un-named) vessel was in 2 places simultaneously and where the Brits drew the boundary between Iranian and Iraqi waters - in Mercantile Law a fiction as no such line has been agreed by the adjoining sovereign states.viz Iran & Iraq.
Perhaps we should get Plod round to White City and have the Newsnight crew hauled off to the Tower of London , breach of Human Rights, Law of the Sea, Geneva Conventions.
PS Virtually every UK daily newspaper had the photograph of WREN Leading Seaman Faye Turney wearing a black Hijab (some of them complete with her smoking a fag) - Human Rights anyone ? Geneva Conventions anyone?
.. and as for the Missing Lynx top cover that wasn't adequately fuelled for the task ...
Hurry, Hurry Trips around the Gulf of Tonkin, book now whilst the opportunity is here.
Dodgy Maritime Maps Dossier from the MOD see Craig Murray
Also Blair's Faked Border by Alabama Moon
Re. the Hijab Honey. I am unacquainted with the social mores of Iran but have spent time in Islamic countries where it is considered most immodest to appear in public without your head covered. Possibly this is why she was so apparelled.
However, as for smoking a fag, the head has to shake at this irredeemable chavdom.
More conservative acquaintances feel that instead of her earlier photo, in BD and cradling a carbine, she should have been in civvies and cradling her three year old.
This episode has convinced me that Britian is utterly screwed - it has gone completely Nazi and I will be leaving as soon as it is practical to do so. There is nothing here left to fight for.
Keep up the good work!
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