Barry George
Barry George is held in custody awaiting a second trial for the murder of Jill Dando after his successful appeal in November 2007 . Jill was killed on 26th April 1999. It was almost a year later on April 11th April 2000 that Detective Constable John Gallagher interviewed him. Over one month later on 25 May 2000, George was arrested on suspicion of murdering the presenter. He has been in prison ever since for a crime he did not commit.
There is an Official campaign Website for Barry which provides helpful information and useful links. This includes the Finding of LORD JUSTICE LEVESON and THE HONOURABLE MR JUSTICE SIMON on 15th November 2007 - which concluded
54. It is impossible to know what weight, if any, the jury attached to the FDR (Firearm Deposit Residue) evidence. It is equally impossible to know what verdict they would have reached had they been told as we were told, by the witnesses who gave evidence before us, that it was just as likely that the single particle of FDR came from some extraneous source as it was that it came from a gun fired by the appellant. The verdict is unsafe. The conviction will be quashed.
There is also a guest book you can sign in support of Barry George who it appears will not appear in court until June. This contains some fascinating comments ..including this . The Name and e-mail is available on the site but has been contracted here.
Name: S W
E-mail address:
Comments: Just before this incident I was for a year and a half Barry's postman and spoke to him more often than most people, I got to know him quite well. I regard myself as a good judge of character and although Barry wasn't the brightest of people I vow to this day He is no murderer. The day He was arrested I phoned the Hammersmith Police station and told them in no uncertain terms my feelings on this, I gave my name and address. I also phoned the solicitors (Keene and Co) and put my name forward as a character witness. To this day I have never heard back.
Monday, March 3rd 2008 - 01:34:35 AMThere is also a part of the inoccent website devoted to the case for Barry George
See also Thursday, June 21, 2007 Where were you when Jill Dando died ?
You can also listen to Barry's sister Michelle Diskin, talking to Jenni Murray on Women's Hour Tuesday 27 August 2002 ,talk about about her fight to clear her brother's name here .
Unfortunately, C4's updated and discomforting documentary about what could very well be the 'fit up' of Barry George does not appear to be available on Gootube
It is available as a downloadable torrent though
Info on the Dando murder here.
Anon: Your link does NOT provide information on the Dando murder. It links to 2 madmen who peddle a range of absurd ideas, one of which is that Dando was mistaken for Angela Peppiatt , Lord Archer's secretary who provided the damning evidence that sent him to prison.
Apparently killing her would silence her - but that of course would not destroy the documentary evidence she provided.
It is said by some she (AP) lived in the same street, by others in "the same area" , drove a similiar car (but presumably with a different number plate) - this isn't helped by some fantasists saying this was a Volkswagen and some a BMW - and looked like her. Jill was born April 1999, no birthdate of AP is traceable but they appear to be roughly the same age , but Dando had a for years a very short neatly trimmed head of blondish hair and Angela Peppiatt photos always show her with lengthy what looks very bleached blond locks.relative heights ?
This absurd fantasy disposes of 2 of the 3 M's for murder Motive and Method but provides no evidence whatever on the Murderer.
The elemental fact is that, unless the prosecution can find and produce new evidence, there is no evidence to find Barry George guilty of the murder of Jill Dando.
(Which makes his continued imprisonment an abuse of his rights)
One might add , that the idea that BG was "fit up" and evidence planted suggests an almost total incompetence in planting evidence - something one would never accuse the Met of.
That public concern was mounting over a nasty murder of a well nown immensely popular TV celebrity whom every mum in the land would wish to marry their son, resulted in internal demands for "a result". As a consequence a hasty but much delayed investigation put BG in the frame and evidence was squeezed to fit him in it - and in the end it all spun around a minute speck of metal of unknown origin which has already been shown "that it was just as likely that the single particle of FDR came from some extraneous source as it was that it came from a gun fired by the appellant. "..and as a result the Judges given the job of evaluating the point decided that " The verdict is unsafe. The conviction will be quashed."
Which leaves (as we said last June) PC Plod ( Detective Chief Inspector Hamish Campbell) with the uncomfortable fact that if Barry George is acquitted and he did not murder Jill Dando, there is some person(s) out there who did.
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