David Davis who hates ID cards , Fleishman-Hillard, Kevin Bell and getting "Public Acceptance" of ID cards... and more
Paul Borge
+44 20 7395 7120
This is the man who on 13th June Registered DAVIDDAVISFORFREEDOM.COM with the address 40 Long Acre London WC2E 9LG which magically changed on Monday 16th to David Davis, 32 Main Street, Willerby, East Yorkshire, HU10 6BU
Lots more at Famous for 15 megapixels , ahead of the pack as usual, there are also especially well informed commentators on the subject of Mr Borge's employers who are Fleishman-Hillard Inc., one of the world's leading public relations firms, visit the Fleishman-Hillard Web site at http://www.fleishman.com/.
Fleishman-Hillard is a part of Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE: OMC) (http://www.omnicomgroup.com/).
Kevin Bell, Regional Director of FH (and also a M. Thatcher groupie) spoke at the conference organised by Intellect , ID Cards: Towards Procurement and Implementation a one-day conference held in London on June 6, 2005 - the Title of his talk was "Achieving public acceptance". See Intellect web Page about event here.Many of the companies involved in that event were also members of Eurim who describe themselves .."EURIM brings together politicians, officials and industry to help improve the quality of policy formation, consultation, scrutiny, implementation and monitoring in support of the creation of a globally competitive, socially inclusive and democratically accountable information society. It works across all boundaries to help set the agenda, stage constructive debate and report on progress." ..and example of their work was a meeting last week
Identity Management & Information Assurance: Keys to the Kingdom?
EURIM-APGIF Parliamentary Showcaseon Identity Management and Information Assurance
Attlee Suite, Portcullis House, Westminster, Tuesday 10 June 4pm to 8 pm
Introduced by Margaret Moran MP and Philip Dunne MP
Guest Speeches begin at 5.30pm with Martin Kearsley, Strategy Director, VocaLink and Duncan Hine, Director of Integrity, Identity and Passport Service. Web Page here
The showcase will provide demonstrations of proven, large-scale, secure identity management and information assurance systems from both private and public sector. The event is designed to enable Parliamentarians and invited guests to learn about practical experience with the people and processes, not just the technology used to support these. Event Sponsors ;
Lucent Technology Services was considered one of the world's premier communications companies with blue chip customers. It had begun a fledgling customer reference program but needed to broaden and better leverage its relationships in a way that demonstrated their impact to sales and marketing efforts. Fleishman-Hillard consulted with Lucent, acquired by world communications leader Alcatel, to help build a best-in-class program, including measurement vehicles, customer acquisition and fulfillment protocols, audio and video customer testimonial summaries, online customer communities, customer advisory councils, and podcasts to market the program within the company. Today the program enjoys wide support across business units and regions worldwide.
Atos Origin andGovernment Gateway
Identity and Passport Service
FH have good friends too their Homeland Security group can call on ;
Tom Ridge, the first secretary of Homeland Security.
William S. Cohen, former secretary of defense.
David A. Kessler, M.D., former U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner.
Dr. Louis Sullivan, former U.S. Department of Health and Human Services secretary.
Howard Safir, former New York City police commissioner and chairman and CEO of SafirRosetti, a full-service security consulting, investigative, and intelligence firm.
PS : As of writing DD still hasn't technically resigned.
A large public relations agency is going to have some clients with mutualy opposing political views, just like lawyers or accountants or management consultants.
David Davis's campaign website (daviddavisforfreedom, daviddavis4freedom both with the .com, .org, .org.uk and .co.uk domain name extensions) seems to have been exposed to the internet for a short while, before its official launch.
See NuLabour.org.uk
"PS : As of writing DD still hasn't technically resigned."
I didn't realise that he hadn't resigned but I did wonder how he was going to resign.
So, I dusted off, Bradley and Ewing, Constitutional and Administrative Law, 14th ed and flicked to the bottom of p178, where it said,
"From early times a member of the House was in law unable to resign his seat and acceptance of an office of profit under the Crown was the only legal method of release from membership. The offices commonly used for the purpose were the office of Steward or Bailiff of the Chiltern Hundreds or of the Manor of Northstead. Under the Act of 1975 these offices are disqalifying offices (s4). Appointment to them is made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the request of the member concerned."
My Lord Patel has already drawn our attention to the fact that of the offices; Blair has one, Boris the other.
This raises a number of questions; can more than one person be appointed to either of these offices at the same time? Has the Chancellor of the Exchequer (a) received and (b) accepted a request from the member?
Wed 27 June 2007, "The Chancellor of the Exchequer has this day appointed the Right Honourable Anthony Charles Lynton Blair to be Steward and Bailiff of the Three Hundreds of Chiltern."
Wed 4th June 2008, "The Chancellor of the Exchequer has today appointed Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to be Steward and Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead"
David Davis, anyone?
ps Boris de Pfeffel - what a wanker.
They like to resign on Wednesday afternoons so that they can attend PMQs at lunchtime. Will Mr Speaker allow Mr Davis to ask Mr Brown a question?
Meanwhile, in Afghanistan a large battle looms..
'A Taliban commander named Mullah Ahmedullah called an Associated Press reporter on Tuesday and said that around 400 Taliban moved into Arghandab from Khakrez, one district to the north. He said some of the militants released in Friday's prison break had joined the assault.
"They told us, 'We want to fight until the death,'" Ahmedullah said. "We've occupied most of the area and it's a good place for fighting. Now we are waiting for the NATO and Afghan forces."'
Send in the Canadians! And if every last Talib is killed won't everything just be wonderful and the Pashtuns resigned to occupation, part 423.
Separately, a great quote re. the jailbreak;
'"Terrorist incidents like that can happen anywhere in the world," Kandahar provincial police chief Brig.-Gen. Sayed Agha Saqib told a news conference Sunday,'
Whatever ya reckon, mate.
yes more jail breaks please.This is much better than spaghetti westerns.much better.
by the way this is the best site on the net for IRAQ and Afghanistan daily shit and atrocities news.
daily shit and atrocities news
See this PR Week article on Fleishman-Hillard
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