Paris Macho ! UPDATE 2 : Sarkozy impregnates both Carla Bruni and Mistress Rachida Dati
Yes! Runty little President Sarkozy (who stands in/on the bed to kiss his wife) has made his beautiful young (?) wife Carla Bruni pregnant.
Fifty year old Cecilia, his second wife and mother of his 11 year old son, Louis called us last night.."I didn't know she had it in her", she sobbed rather bitterly.
A true Parisian , Cecilia Maria Sara Isabel Ciganer-Albeniz was first married at the age of 27 to the 51-year old children's TV presenter Jacques Martin at the town hall of the chic Paris suburb of Neuilly in 1984. The mayor was Nicolas Sarkozy, then 2 years older than her.
Cecilia suggests that this explains Carla's absence in public since the trip to Windsor - did the entente cordiale go to their heads ?
Saturday, October 06, 2007 Get to work on an egg
PS : Update he's made his mistress 42 year old Rachida Dati pregnant as well according to the news Daily Mail @ 1.37 pm . see Monday, October 22, 2007 Rachida Dati seen by a billion on TV with President ... or did we misunderstand Cecilia ? See also Monday, November 12, 2007 President Sarkozy's Harem hits Washington
...and Rama Yade ?
French Justice Minister Rachida Dati has confirmed rumours that she is pregnant, media reports say.
Ms Dati, who is not married, has declined to name the father, and was quoted by newspaper Le Monde as saying her private life was "complicated".
I recall, before the U.K. had a Minister for Justice it had a Minister for the Interior whose private life was "complicated".
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