Massive wave of Anti-Semitism terrorises Northern Ireland - Zionists organise
David Amess (Southend West, Conservative and raised as Roman Catholic - also Parliamentary Adviser to the Caravan Club) was busy worrying Paul Goggins (Minister of State, Northern Ireland Office) yesterday and asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what reports he has received on levels of anti-Semitism in Northern Ireland since December 2008 Hansard
The estimable Goggins (also raised as a Roman Catholic) explained this was really a matter for the First Minister (Peter Robinson ) and deputy First Minister (Gerry Adams - never knowlingly assassinated a Jew) who are responsible for issues surrounding anti-Semitism.
In a written reply Goggins said he was advised that the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) record crimes or incidents that have a religious motivation, however these are not routinely broken down into different faiths (which is odd in this deeply divided part of the Kingdom where they are still shooting police and soldiers).
The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PNSI) he explained said there been five such crimes or incidents since December 2008, including at least one of an anti-Semitic nature.
This concen about an illusory wave of Jew baiting, and vile and violent asssaults on the blameless Jews in Northern Ireland has coincided with a very odd public meeting.
More than 200 people attended, including Northern Ireland government ministers, British MPs, and members of the Northern Ireland Assembly met at the Great Hall Stormont on March 12th to hear REvPaisley launch the Northern Ireland Friends of Israel.
According to a Lawyer and a Jew ,Steven Jaffe, principal organizer of the launch, who represents Belfast on the Board of Deputies of British Jews there has been "There has been a upswing in anti-Israel activity in Northern Ireland recently".According to him “Three local authorities passed resolutions boycotting Israel, as did the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.”
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU -600000 members in 55 unions) launched a report on Israel and Palestine (10th Feb 2009) compiled by senior members who visited the region.
Predictably the DUP dismissed the report as unbalanced and urged unions to concentrate on local economic issues, Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams who hosted the report’s launch in Stormont’s Long Gallery commended the trade unionists.
Protestant trade unionist Terry McCorran co-organized the event. He is a member of UNISON - The Public Service Union, the second largest trade union in the United Kingdom, with more than 1.3 million members.How he consulted embers about their collective stance is unknown - you may wish to visit the Trade Union Friends of Israel website.
Henry Grunwald, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, addressed the launch meeting, leaving “no doubt as to the nature of Hamas and its desire to destroy Israel.”
“Clearly Hamas would have to change greatly before it could be admitted into the peace process,” he said. Presumanly beimg the democratically elected government of Palestine / Gaza isn't enough for this Jeffersonian liberal.
More of this at Jerusalem Post
Sir Ronald Storrs, the first British military governor of Jerusalem, explained that the Zionist “enterprise was one that blessed him that gave as well as him that took, by forming for England ‘a little loyal Jewish Ulster’ in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.” The Zionists would be the Orangemen of Palestine.
1 comment:
"FLASHBACK...Feb 4, 2007 22:59 | Updated Feb 5, 2007 0:16"
"Canadian government forming pro-Israel lobby"
"The launching of the Canadian parliamentary lobby, which is based on the formation of the Knesset's "Christian Allies Caucus" three years ago, comes less than six months after a similar lobby was established in the US Congress"...
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