Sarkozy and his mistress Rachida Dati on holiday in the US - Amazing pictures
More in previous posts Now what the Academie Francaise have to say about "le shooting glamour" is best left unremarked ... but Dior frocks and the Minister of Justice in this week's Paris Match ? Whilst the "raccaille" aree on the rampage ?
Meanwhile Sarkozy's other squeeze of the moment the glamorous Sengalese born Secretary of State for Human Rights Rama Yade, a junior member of the centre-right government, has criticized Gaddafi's arrival on World Human Rights Day, (L'EXpress) and declares that France should demand guarantees on human rights when concluding trade deals...."Our country is not a door mat on which a leader, terrorist or not, can come to wipe the blood from his feet as a result of his crimes" ... "France is not just a trade balance," Yade told the daily Le Parisien, adding that France should not only sign business deals with Gaddafi but also demand "guarantees" from him on human rights in his country.
An IFOP poll for Paris Match magazine found that 61 % of respondents don't approve of Gaddafi's visit.
French Foreign Minister Kouchner, (and Yade's boss) probably the token socialist in Sarkozy's centre-right government, said he was "resigned" to Gaddafi's visit, and that France had to be vigilant on rights while also defending its economic interests.... he brushed off the spectre of a government crisis saying in defence of Yade ...""elle est en charge des droits de l'Homme, elle le fait".
Sarkozy expects to sign contracts worth around 10 Bn. Euros (US $14.66 Bn.), including a seawater desalination plant driven by nuclear power, arms cooperation and other deals during Gaddafi's 5 day stay.. there is also talk of an Airbus deal.
Not to be outshone presidential candidate Ségolène Royal called the visit "odious, shocking, and even inadmissible", and accused the president of "stomping on traditional French defense of human rights".
Gaddafi has an entourage of 400 officials (including his sexy all female personal security detail) and is erecting a Bedouin tent for his stay in central Paris.
Why not ? Chirac was happy to visit Saddam in Bagdhad and sell him nuclear technology...pic of Chirac with Saddam in 1975 at the nuclear reactor in Caderache.

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